Visual Embed changelog

Visual Embed changelog

This changelog lists only the changes introduced in the Visual Embed SDK. For information about new features and enhancements available for embedded analytics, see What’s New.

Version 1.34.0, November 2024πŸ”—


You can now embed the following ThoughtSpot Spotter components in your app:

  • ConversationEmbed
    Embeds Spotter conversation interface in your app

  • BodylessConversation
    Creates a conversation component without the body, which can be integrated into chatbots or other conversational apps.

For more information, see Embed Spotter and Integrate Spotter into your chatbot.


The following parameters and enumerations are available for customizing Liveboard experience:

  • showLiveboardVerifiedBadge
    Shows or hides the Liveboard verified badge. Available if the Liveboard compact header feature is enabled.

  • showLiveboardReverifyBanner
    Shows or hides the re-verify banner. Available if the Liveboard compact header feature is enabled.

  • Action.KPIAnalysisCTA
    Action ID to show, hide, or disable the Analyze CTA action on a KPI chart.


You can now use the HostEvent.GetIframeUrl to get the iframe src URL from the Visual Embed Playground. If you are embedding ThoughtSpot in apps like Salesforce and Sharepoint without the SDK, use this event to generate the iframe URL.


The following parameters are available for customizing Search experience:

  • collapseDataPanel Minimizes the data panel view. Users can click the data panel header any time to expand the panel.

  • collapseSearchBar Sets the initial state of the search bar when embedding a saved Answer.


The following settings are available for customizing the new home page and navigation experience in full app embedding:

  • HomeLeftNavItem.LiveboardSchedules
    The Liveboard schedules menu on the left navigation panel.

    Action enumerations
  • Action.EditScheduleHomepage
    To show, disable, or hide the Edit action on the Liveboard schedules page

  • Action.PauseScheduleHomepage
    To show, disable, or hide the Pause action on the Liveboard schedules page

  • Action.ViewScheduleRunHomepage
    To show, disable, or hide the View run history action on the Liveboard schedules page

  • Action.DeleteScheduleHomepage
    To show, disable, or hide the Delete action on the Liveboard schedules page

  • Action.UnsubscribeScheduleHomepage
    To show, disable, or hide the Unsubscribe action on the Liveboard schedules page

Version 1.33.x, October 2024πŸ”—


You can now customize the search experience for the embedded ThoughtSpot Home page using homePageSearchBarMode. By default, the Home page includes the Object Search bar, which allows finding popular Liveboards and Answers.

You can set the homePageSearchBarMode property to one of the following options:

  • aiAnswer
    Displays the search bar for Natural Language Search.

  • none Hides the Search bar on the Home page. Note that it only hides the Search bar on the Home page and doesn’t affect the Object Search bar visibility on the top navigation bar.

  • objectSearch (default)
    Displays Object Search bar on the Home page.


The SDK now allows you to set the focus on the Search bar or outside the Search bar when rendering the embedded Search page. Use the focusSearchBarOnRender property to set the position of the cursor focus.


The SDK includes the following Event and Action enumeration members:

  • EmbedEvent.OnBeforeGetVizDataIntercept
    Developers can emit this event to intercept search execution, allow or restrict certain queries, and show an error message with custom text for restricted queries. To allow the embedded page to emit this event, you must set the isOnBeforeGetVizDataInterceptEnabled attribute to true.

  • EmbedEvent.ParameterChanged
    Emitted when a Parameter is changed on a saved Answer or Liveboard.

  • Action.ManageTags
    Use this action enumeration to disable, show, or hide the Manage tags button on the Liveboards and Answers pages.

Version 1.32.x, August 2024πŸ”—


The following new action enumerations are available in this version:

  • Action.CreateLiveboard for the Create Liveboard menu action on the Liveboards lists page.

  • SyncToTeams for the Sync to Teams menu action on Liveboard visualizations.

  • Action.SyncToSlack for the Sync to Slack action on Liveboard visualizations.

  • Action.AddQuerySet for the Add Query Set action on the data panel (new experience) of the Search page.

  • Action.AddColumnSet for the Add Column Ste action on the data panel (new experience) of the Search page.

  • Action.AddDataPanelObjects for the Add menu that includes sub-menu options such as Formulas, Parameters, Query set, and Column set actions.

  • Action.OrganiseFavourites for the Organize action above the Favorites panel on the modular Homepage (New experience) For more information, see Actions.


Developers can now use the disableRedirectionLinksInNewTab parameter to disable links and redirection of links in the embedded view.


You can now enable enable2ColumnLayout on a Liveboard to adjust the page view according to the width and resolution of users' devices.

Version 1.31.x, July 2024πŸ”—


Runtime filters

  • NOT_IN operator for Runtime filters. For more information, see Runtime filters.

  • excludeRuntimeParametersfromURL parameter to exclude or remove runtimeParameters from the URL.


For performance optimization, developers can choose to load embedded views in a lightweight V2 shell by setting enableV2Shell_experimental to true.

Version 1.30.0, June 2024πŸ”—


CSS variables for new homepage experience

  • --ts-var-home-watchlist-selected-text-color

  • --ts-var-home-card-color

  • --ts-var-home-favorite-suggestion-card-text-color

  • --ts-var-home-favorite-suggestion-card-background

  • --ts-var-home-favorite-suggestion-card-icon-color

For more information, see CSS variables and overrides.

Version 1.29.0, May 2024πŸ”—


Ask Sage

With Ask Sage Beta embedded application users can ask follow-up questions on a visualization generated from a Natural Language Search query, converse with AI analyst, and refine results. To enable this feature, set enableAskSage to true.

Action enumeration

To show, hide, or disable Ask Sage on a visualization, add Action.AskAi. For example,

hiddenActions: [Action.AskAi]
  • HostEvent.AskSage
    Triggers the Ask Sage action on a Liveboard visualization.

  • EmbedEvent.AskSageInit
    Emits when the Ask Sage action is initialized.

  • HostEvent.GetParameters
    Triggers a fetch action to get runtime Parameters.

  • HostEvent.UpdateParameters
    Updates runtime Parameters

  • HostEvent.ResetLiveboardPersonalisedView
    Resets a personalized Liveboard view.

  • HostEvent.UpdateCrossFilter
    Updates cross filters applied on a Liveboard.

Version 1.28.x, April 2024πŸ”—


The SDK includes the following new enumeration members in v1.28.0:

  • Action.VerifiedLiveboard
    Can be used to show or hide the Verified Liveboard banner.


To access the new Home page and global navigation experience in the full application embedding, you can use the modularHomeExperience property in the SDK. The modular homepage experience is turned off by default and is available as an Early Access feature in release. When modularHomeExperience is set to true, you can use the following parameters in the SDK to control the application experience:

  • hiddenhomeleftnavitems

  • hiddenhomepagemodules

  • hideapplicationswitcher

  • hidehomepageleftnav

  • hideorgswitcher

  • reorderedhomepagemodules

  • hiddenhomeleftnavitems

  • HomeLeftNavItem

For more information, see Customize full application embedding and AppViewConfig.


The following embed event is available from the v1.28.0 onwards:

Emits when an embedded Liveboard or visualization is renamed.


TML actions

The following TML menu actions are now grouped under TML sub-menu of the More the more options menumenu on Answer page.

  • Export TML

  • Edit TML

  • Update TML

To show, hide, or disable these actions in the embedded mode, use the following format:

 // to show the TML menu and its sub-menu options
visibleActions: [Action.TML, Action.ExportTML, Action.EditTML]
 // to hide all TML actions
hiddenActions: [Action.TML]
 // to disable all TML actions
disabledActions: [Action.TML]


You can now reset authentication token and fetch a new token for new authentication requests. For more information, see resetCachedAuthToken.


You can now override the default number, date, and currency format defined by your locale settings. To override the default settings, use the following parameters:

* numberFormatLocale
* dateFormatLocale
* currencyFormat

For more information, see Customize locale.


Tokenized fetch
The SDK now provides a fetch wrapper that adds the authentication token to the API requests. For more information, see tokenizedFetch.

Version 1.27.x, March 2024πŸ”—


The following action enumeration members are available from v1.27.9 and v1.27.10:

  • Action.AIHighlights

  • Action.AddToWatchlist

  • Action.RemoveFromWatchlist

  • Action.CopyKpiLink

For more information, see Action.


You can now use HostEvent.GetAnswerSession to get Answer session data for a Search Answer or Liveboard Visualization in the embedded view.

Version 1.27.0, January 2024πŸ”—


The SageEmbed package is now available on all clusters. You can use this SDK package to embed Natural Language Search capabilities and assist users with AI-suggested queries and AI-generated answers. This SDK package also allows you to customize the Natural Language Search experience in the embedded view.

For a complete list of methods, functions, interface objects, and properties, see the following pages:


The HostEvent.DrillDown now supports the vizId parameter to trigger a drill-down action on a specific visualization of a Liveboard. For more information, see DrillDown.


The new version of the SDK introduces the following new enumeration members:

  • Host Events

    • HostEvent.UpdateSageQuery
      Updates the search query string for Natural Language Search operations.

  • Embed Events

    • EmbedEvent.CreateConnection
      Emitted when a user creates a new data connection on the Data page.

    • EmbedEvent.CreateWorksheet
      Emitted when a user creates a new Worksheet.

Version 1.26.0, November 2023πŸ”—


The SDK provides AnswerService class to trigger the answer service with a custom action payload. You can use this service to run GraphQL queries in the context of the Answer with a custom action trigger. For more information, see AnswerService. Recommended ThoughtSpot application version is


The following object properties and feature flags are introduced in the LiveboardEmbed and AppEmbed SDK packages:

  • showLiveboardDescription
    Shows the Liveboard description text when set to true

  • showLiveboardTitle
    Shows the Liveboard title when set to true

  • isLiveboardHeaderSticky
    Sets Liveboard header bar as a fixed element when set to true

  • hideLiveboardHeader
    Hides the Liveboard header when set to true

  • hiddenTabs
    Hides the specified tabs from the Liveboard page

  • visibleTabs
    Displays the specified tabs on the Liveboard page


You can now enable the new data panel experience by setting dataPanelV2 to true in the SDK when embedding ThoughtSpot Search. The new data panel experience is turned off by default on embedded ThoughtSpot instances.


The new version of the SDK supports the following events:

Embed events
  • EmbedEvent.hiddenTabs

  • EmbedEvent.visibleTabs

  • EmbedEvent.UpdatePersonalisedView

  • EmbedEvent.SavePersonalisedView

  • EmbedEvent.ResetLiveboard

  • EmbedEvent.DeletePersonalisedView

  • `EmbedEvent.SageWorksheetUpdated

  • EmbedEvent.SageEmbedQuery

    For more information, see EmbedEvent.

Host events
  • HostEvent.GetTabs

  • HostEvent.SetVisibleTabs

  • HostEvent.SetHiddenTabs

  • HostEvent.GetAnswerSession

  • HostEvent.UpdateSageQuery

    For more information, see HostEvent.


The SDK introduces the following action enumeration members:

  • Action.AddTab
    Show, disable, or hide the Add Tab action on a Liveboard.

  • Action.PersonalisedViewsDropdown
    Show, disable, or hide the Liveboard views saved by a user.

  • Action.LiveboardUsers
    Show, disable, or hide Liveboard users.

  • Action.SageAnswerFeedback Show, disable, or hide the feedback widget on AI-generated Answer page.

  • Action.EditSageAnswer Show, disable, or hide the Edit action on the AI-generated Answer page.

For more information, see Actions.

Version 1.25.0, October 2023πŸ”—


The SDK now supports runtime Parameter overrides on Liveboards and Answers. For more information, see Runtime Parameter overrides.


The SDK introduces the following action enumeration members:

  • Action.RenameModalTitleDescription

  • Action.EnableContextualChangeAnalysis

  • Action.RequestVerification

  • Action.AddTab

For more information, see Actions.

Version 1.24.0, September 2023πŸ”—


ThoughtSpot now provides the SageEmbed package to embed the ThoughtSpot Search page with Sage features such as natural language search and AI-suggested search examples. This feature is in beta and not available in the Visual Embed Playground.


The HostEvent.SetActiveTab event in the upcoming version of the SDK allows you to set a tab as an active tab on a Liveboard.

Version 1.23.0, August 2023πŸ”—


The SDK supports the following performance optimization enhancements:

  • Ability to pre-render a generic instance of the ThoughtSpot component using the prerenderGeneric attribute. The generic instance uses the default host and flags and can be rendered in the background to improve application response.

  • Ability to use an iFrame from a pre-rendered iFrame pool using the usePrerenderedIfAvailable attribute.

Version 1.22.0, June 2023πŸ”—


The new version of the SDK introduces the TrustedAuthTokenCookieless authType property to allow Cookieless embedding. The Cookieless authentication method allows using a bearer token to identify the signed-in user instead of session cookies.

For more information, see Cookieless authentication.


The new version of the SDK allows you to block user access to the non-embedded instance of the ThoughtSpot application. In full app embed deployments, you can use the blockNonEmbedFullAppAccess property in the SDK to restrict or allow your application users from accessing ThoughtSpot pages in the non-embed mode.

Version 1.21.0, May 2023πŸ”—


The new version of the SDK introduces the following action enumeration members:

  • Action.AxisMenuAggregate

  • Action.AxisMenuConditionalFormat

  • Action.AxisMenuEdit

  • Action.AxisMenuFilter

  • Action.AxisMenuGroup

  • Action.AxisMenuNumberFormat

  • Action.AxisMenuPosition

  • Action.AxisMenuRemove

  • Action.AxisMenuRename

  • Action.AxisMenuSort

  • Action.AxisMenuTextWrapping

  • Action.AxisMenuTimeBucket

  • Action.CrossFilter

  • Action.RemoveCrossFilter

For more information, see Action reference.


The SDK introduces the following events:

  • HostEvent.AddColumns

  • HostEvent.OpenFilter

  • HostEvent.RemoveColumn

  • HostEvent.ResetSearch

  • EmbedEvent.CrossFilterChanged

  • EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPng

  • EmbedEvent.VizPointRightClick

For more information, see Events.


The following events are deprecated from version 1.21.0 onwards.

  • HostEvent.Download

  • EmbedEvent.Download

You can use the DownloadAsPng, DownloadAsXlsx, DownloadAsCsv and DownloadAsPdf events for download actions.

For more information, see Events reference.



The SDK supports omitting or executing a search query in HostEvent.Search.


Use the following action enumeration members instead of Action.Download to show, hide, or disable the Download menu action on an embedded Liveboard, visualization, or Answer:

  • Action.DownloadAsCsv

  • Action.DownloadAsPdf

  • Action.DownloadAsXlsx

  • Action.DownloadAsPng

To disable or hide download actions, you can use Action.Download in the disabledActions and hiddenActions arrays respectively. However, if you are using the visibleActions array to show or hide actions on a visualization or Answer, include the following download action enumerations along with Action.Download in the array:

  • Action.DownloadAsCsv

  • Action.DownloadAsPdf

  • Action.DownloadAsXlsx

  • Action.DownloadAsPng


The SDK includes new attributes to customize the experience for embedded app users:

  • linkOverride

    Allows overriding the Open in new tab link on embedded pages.

  • contextMenuTrigger

    Allows triggering contextual menu the Liveboard visualizations and Answers from left-click to right-click.

  • hideSearchBar

    Allows hiding the Search bar on the embedded Search page.


The SDK now allows setting the loading preference for embedded iFrames. For performance optimization, you can set the loading attribute to lazy in the FrameParams property.

Version 1.20.0, April 2023πŸ”—


The dataSources property in SearchEmbed and SearchBarEmbed is deprecated and replaced with the dataSource attribute. The SDK supports searching from a single data source only.


The embed SDK packages now include the insertAsSibling property. This attribute can be used to insert the embedded object as a sibling to the element inside the target container.

Version 1.19.0, February 2023πŸ”—


The customCSS property in the customizations object supports new variables to customize the styles for dialogs, search bar, search navigation and search suggestions panels. For more information, see Customize CSS.


The new Liveboard experience mode introduces changes to the data format of the JSON response payload triggered by callback custom actions. For example, the reportBookData, and vizData attributes are modified, and the custom action id now is part of the data attribute. These changes may break your current custom action event handlers. For interoperability, we recommend adding the data attribute to payload in your code as shown in the example here:

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.CustomAction, payload => {
    if ( === "callback-action-id" || === "callback-action-id") {
        console.log('Custom Action event:',;

You may also want to update the data classes in your scripts to process the JSON response payload and handle complex data. For more information, see Callback custom actions.


The new version of the SDK introduces the following Host events:

  • HostEvent.Delete

  • HostEvent.Download

  • HostEvent.DownloadAsCsv

  • HostEvent.DownloadAsXlsx

  • HostEvent.ManagePipelines

  • HostEvent.Save

  • HostEvent.Share

  • HostEvent.ShowUnderlyingData

  • HostEvent.SpotIQAnalyze

  • HostEvent.SyncToOtherApps

  • HostEvent.SyncToSheets

For more information, see Host events.


The noRedirect property in the SDK is deprecated and replaced with the inPopup attribute. When set to true, the inPopup attribute allows the SAML SSO authentication flow in a pop-up window.

For more information, see SAML Redirection.

Version 1.18.0, January 2023πŸ”—


The new version of the SDK provides the SearchBarEmbed JavaScript package to embed only the ThoughtSpot Search bar in your app.

For more information, see Embed ThoughtSpot search bar.


The customCSS property in the customizations object supports new variables to customize the UI elements on Liveboard, visualization, and Answer pages. You can also use these variables to define custom styles in the CSS file.
For more information, see Customize CSS.


The new version of the SDK allows fetching TML objects via GetTML host event. This event is triggered when a user clicks on the Show underlying data action on a Liveboard visualization or Answer page.

For more information, see GetTML.


The new version of the SDK introduces the following enums in the Action object:

  • Action.SyncToOtherApps

  • Action.SyncToSheets

  • Action.ManagePipelines

You can use these enums to show, hide, or disable Sync to sheets, Sync to other apps, and Manage pipelines menu actions on a Liveboard visualization or Answer.

For more information, see Actions.

Version 1.17.1, December 2022πŸ”—

Bug fixes to the trusted authentication feature.

Version 1.17.0, November 2022πŸ”—

The new version of the SDK introduces several new features and enhancements


The AuthType property is modified and supports new enums.

  • AuthType.SAML is renamed as AuthType.SAMLRedirect

  • AuthType.OIDC is renamed as AuthType.OIDCRedirect

  • AuthType.AuthServer is renamed to AuthType.TrustedAuthToken
    This enhancement does not introduce any breaking changes to your current implementation.


To use your current SAML or OIDC authentication setup and redirect users to the IdP for authentication within the embedded iFrame, you can now use AuthType.EmbeddedSSO.
For more information, see Authentication.


The customizations object in the SDK allows you to specify a custom CSS URL. You can also use this object to define CSS variables directly in the init code.
For more information, see Customize CSS.

Version 1.16.0, October 2022πŸ”—

The new version of the SDK includes bug fixes and improvements to the new Liveboard experience.

Version 1.15.1, September 2022πŸ”—


The prefetch method now supports the url and prefetchFeatures parameters. You can use these parameters to call the prefetch method before init and prefetch static resources on application load.
For more information, see Prefetch static resources.

Version 1.15.0, September 2022πŸ”—


For embedded instances with the new Liveboard experience, the Visual Embed SDK provides the activeTabId attribute, using which you can set a Liveboard tab as an active tab.

For more information, see Customize Liveboard tabs.


The new version of the SDK supports firing events for Liveboard menu actions from the host application. The SDK introduces the following host event enumeration members for Liveboard objects:

  • CopyLink

  • CreateMonitor

  • DownloadAsPdf

  • Edit

  • EditTML

  • Explore

  • ExportTML

  • LiveboardInfo

  • MakeACopy

  • ManageMonitor

  • Pin

  • Present

  • Remove

  • Schedule

  • SchedulesList

  • UpdateTML

For more information, see Events reference.

Version 1.14.0, August 2022πŸ”—


The Visual Embed SDK now includes the liveboardV2 attribute in the LiveboardEmbed package to allow developers to enable the new Liveboard experience on their embedded ThoughtSpot instance.
For more information, see Embed a Liveboard.


If trusted authentication is enabled, the SDK makes a POST API call to get a login token and log the user into ThoughtSpot. The earlier versions of the SDK supported only GET API requests. For more information, see Configure token-based authentication method in Visual Embed SDK.

Version 1.13.0, July 2022πŸ”—


This version of Visual Embed SDK includes the enableSearchAssist attribute, using which you can turn on the Search Assist feature on an embedded instance.
For more information, see Enable Search Assist.


The new version of SDK introduces the AuthType.SAML enum for SAML-based SSO authentication. Note that AuthType.SAML replaces the AuthType.SSO enum, which is deprecated in the v1.13.0 version of the SDK.
For more information, see Authentication.


The AuthType.SSO enum is deprecated in v1.13.0. ThoughtSpot recommends using AuthType.SAML for the SAML SSO authentication method.
This change does not impact your current embed implementation with AuthType.SSO.


The SDK includes the getExportRequestForCurrentPinboard event, which is triggered when a user tries to export a Liveboard in its current state.
For more information, see Events reference.

Version 1.12.0, June 2022πŸ”—


This version of Visual Embed SDK introduces the navigate host event, which is triggered when a user navigates to an application page without a page reload.

For more information, see Events reference.


The new getThoughtSpotPostUrlParams method fetches ThoughtSpot URL query parameters prefixed with ts-.

Version 1.11.2, June 2022πŸ”—

Bug fix for Typescript builds that affect Angular project configurations.

Version 1.11.1, May 2022πŸ”—


The SDK includes the action enum ReportError, using which you can turn off ThoughtSpot-specific error reporting.

Version 1.11.0, May 2022πŸ”—


The new version of SDK includes the following new events:

  • ALL

  • AnswerChartSwitcher

  • AnswerDelete

  • CopyAEdit

  • CopyToClipboard

  • Download

  • DownloadAsPdf

  • DownloadAsCsv

  • DownloadAsXlsx

  • DrillExclude

  • DrillInclude

  • EditTML

  • ExportTML

  • Monitor

  • Pin

  • Save

  • SaveAsView

  • Share

  • ShowUnderlyingData

  • SpotIQAnalyze

  • UpdateTML

  • VizPointClick

For more information about how to register and handle these events, see Events and app integration.


The new version of SDK supports the showAlerts attribute, using which you can show or hide alerts and error messages in the embedded view.


The Action.CreateMonitor enumeration is available in the SDK for embedded ThoughtSpot environments on which the Monitor feature is enabled. For more information, see Show or hide UI actions.

Version 1.10.4, May 2022πŸ”—


The detectCookieAccessSlow parameter in the SDK allows your app to check if third-party cookies are enabled on the browser. This parameter is available only for trusted and Basic authentication types.

Version 1.10.3, May 2022πŸ”—

Bug fix and improvements to the logout method.

Version 1.10.2, May 2022πŸ”—


Ability to configure redirectPath on the origin when using the SAMLRedirect authType.

Version 1.10.1, May 2022πŸ”—


You can now use the logout method to log out embed users.


Note the following changes:

  • You can now use the loginFailedMessage property on init to display the Not logged in message when a user login fails. You can customize this message by defining a custom text string in the loginFailedMessage attribute.

  • The init method now returns an event emitter which can be used to listen to AuthStatus such as login failure, success, or user logout.

Version 1.10.0, April 2022πŸ”—


The AddRemoveColumns event is now available in the SDK. For more information, see Events reference.

Version 1.9.8, April 2022πŸ”—


The pageId attribute now allows you to set the SpotIQ page as the home tab of your embedded ThoughtSpot app.

For more information, see Embed full application.

Version 1.9.6 and 1.9.7, April 2022πŸ”—

Bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.9.5, April 2022πŸ”—


The locale attribute is now available in embed packages. You can use this attribute to set the locale or language of your embedded application view. For more information, see Set locale and display language.

Version 1.9.4, April 2022πŸ”—

Bug fixes and improvements to React components.

Version 1.9.3, March 2022πŸ”—


The SDK now supports the disableLoginRedirect attribute to improve the login experience for your application users. When enabled, this attribute prevents your app from redirecting users to the login page when their session expires.
You can use this attribute along with autoLogin to automatically authenticate and re-login a user.
This feature is applicable to token-based authentication, that is, when the AuthType is set as TrustedAuthToken in the SDK.

For more information, see Authentication.

Version 1.9.2, March 2022πŸ”—


You can now trigger events on React components using the useEmbedRef hook.

For more information, see Embed ThoughtSpot in a React app.

Version 1.9.1, March 2022πŸ”—


The SDK now includes the visibleVizs attribute in the LiveboardEmbed package. This attribute allows you to add visualization GUIDs that you want to display when a Liveboard renders for the first time.

For more information, see Embed a Liveboard.


The following events are now available in the SDK:

  • LiveboardRendered (EmbedEvent)

For more information, see Events reference.

Version 1.9.0, March 2022πŸ”—


The SDK now includes the following new enumerations for UI actions:

  • Action.AnswerDelete

  • Action.AnswerChartSwitcher

  • Action.AddToFavorites

  • Action.EditDetails

For more information, see Show or hide UI actions.


The SDK now supports the UpdateRuntimeFilters host event. For more information, see Events reference.

Version 1.8.x, February 2022πŸ”—


The autoLogin attribute is now set as false by default. This attribute is used in the init method to automatically re-login a user when a session expires.


The init method now returns the authPromise which resolves when a user authentication is completed.

Version 1.7.0, January 2022πŸ”—


OIDC AuthType

The SDK supports the OIDC authType in init calls. If you want your application users to authenticate to an OpenID provider and use their SSO credentials to access the embedded ThoughtSpot content, you can enable the OIDC authentication type in the SDK.

For more information, see Authentication and security attributes.


Embed events

The SDK includes the following new event:

  • RouteChange

For more information, see Events reference.

Version 1.6.x, November 2021πŸ”—


Visible actions

You can now configure a set of ThoughtSpot UI actions as visible actions and display these actions in the embedded UI. If your embedded instance requires only a few actions, you can use the visibleActions API to show only these actions in the embedded ThoughtSpot UI.

For more information, see Show or hide UI actions.


Terminology changes

The SDK library and object parameter names are modified to rebrand pinboards as Liveboards. For a complete list of changes, see Terminology changes.


Embed events

The SDK supports the following new events:

  • DialogOpen

  • DialogClose

For more information, see Events reference.

Version 1.5.0, October 2021πŸ”—


Render embedded objects in queue

The SDK now supports rendering embedded objects in a queue. If you have multiple embedded objects, you can enable the queueMultiRenders parameter to queue your embedded objects and render them one after another. This feature helps in decreasing the load on the web browsers and improving your application loading experience. By default, this attribute is set to false.


Liveboard embed

The pinboardEmbed package includes the defaultHeight attribute that sets a minimum height for embedded objects on a pinboard page, and the corresponding visualization pages that a user can navigate to.

For more information, see Embed a pinboard.


Embed events

The SDK EmbedEvent library includes the following new events:

  • VizPointDoubleClick

  • Drilldown

  • SetVisibleVizs

For more information, see Events reference.

Version 1.4.0, September 2021πŸ”—


Prefetch API

The prefetch API fetches static resources from a given URL before your application loads. Web browsers can then cache the prefetched resources locally and serve them from a user’s local disk. You can use this API to load the embedded objects faster and improve your application response time.

For more information, see Prefetch static resources.


In-app page navigation

The navigateToPage method in the SDK lets you provide quick and direct access to a specific pinboard, saved Answer, or an application page. You can add a custom menu action or button in your application UI that calls the navigateToPage method and leads your users to the page specified in the path parameter.

For more information, see Add a custom action for in-app navigation.


Full application embedding

The appEmbed SDK package includes the following new attributes:

  • The disableProfileAndHelp attribute to show or hide the Help (?) and the user profile menu in the navigation bar of your embedded app.

  • The hideObjects attribute to hide specific objects from a user’s page view.

For more information, see Embed full application.


Search embed

The searchEmbed package includes the forceTable attribute that sets tabular view as the default format for presenting search data. You can use set this attribute to true to force search results to appear in the table view.

For more information, see Embed ThoughtSpot search.


The searchQuery parameter is no longer supported and is removed from the searchEmbed SDK package.


Embed events
The SDK EmbedEvent library includes the following events:

  • QueryChanged

  • AuthExpire

For more information, see Events and app integration.

Version 1.3.0, August 2021πŸ”—



The searchEmbed SDK package introduces the searchOptions parameter for setting search tokens. The searchOptions parameter includes the following attributes:

  • searchTokenString

    A TML query string to define search tokens.

  • executeSearch

    When set to true, it executes search and shows the search results.

For more information, see Embed ThoughtSpot search.



The searchQuery parameter in the searchEmbed SDK package is deprecated in the Visual Embed SDK version 1.3.1. Instead, you can use the searchOptions parameter to define the search token string.

For more information about searchOptions, see Embed ThoughtSpot search.



The SDK now supports logging in users automatically after a user session has expired.

For more information, see Embed user authentication.



You can now convert query parameters in the ThoughtSpot generated URLs to base64-encoded format. You can enable this attribute to secure your cluster from cross-site scripting attacks.


Data structure changes in custom action response payloads

  • The data structure passed in the custom action response for search now shows as instead of

  • The Answer payload for custom actions includes the following metadata:

    • reportBookmetadata

      Includes visualization metadata attributes such as description, object header metadata, author details, timestamp of the Answer creation, and modification.

    • user data

      Includes user information such as username, GUID of the user, and email address.

To view a sample response payload, see Custom action response payload.



The pinboardEmbed SDK package now includes the preventPinboardFilterRemoval attribute. You can use this attribute to disable the filter removal action and thus prevent users from removing the filter chips added on a pinboard page.

For more information, see Embed a pinboard and Embed a visualization.



You can now set custom alerts for noCookieAccess events. By default, the SDK triggers a noCookieAccess event and generates an alert when a user’s browser blocks third-party cookies. The suppressNoCookieAccessAlert allows you to disable this alert.


Support for fetching callback custom action payload in batches

The Visual Embed SDK now supports processing data in batches for callback custom action responses. The callback custom action event in the SDK package supports defining batchSize and offset values to paginate the Answer payload and send the records in batches.

For more information, see Callback custom action workflow.

Version 1.2.0, June 2021πŸ”—


SAML authentication

The Visual Embed SDK packages now include the noRedirect attribute as an optional parameter for the SAMLRedirect SSO AuthType. If you want to display the SAML authentication workflow in a pop-up window, instead of refreshing the application web page to direct users to the SAML login page, you can set the noRedirect attribute to true.

For more information, see the instructions for embedding ThoughtSpot pages, search, pinboard, and visualizations.


Pinboard actions
The More menu the more options menu in the embedded Pinboard page now shows the following actions for pinboard and visualizations.

  • Save

  • Make a copy

  • Add filters

  • Configure filters

  • Present

  • Download as PDF

  • Pinboard info

  • Manage schedules

Users with edit permissions can view and access the Save, Add filters, Configure filters, and Manage schedules actions.


Visualization actions

Visualizations on a pinboard:

  • Pin

  • Download

  • Edit

  • Present

  • Download as CSV

  • Download as XLSX

  • Download as PDF

Users with edit permissions can view and access the Edit action. The Download as CSV, Download as XSLX, and Download as PDF actions are available for table visualizations. The Download action is available for chart visualizations.

Version 1.1.0, May 2021πŸ”—


NoCookieAccess event

When a user accesses the embedded application from a web browser that has third-party cookies disabled, the Visual Embed SDK emits the NoCookieAccess event to notify the developer. Cookies are disabled by default in Safari. Users can enable third-party cookies in Safari’s Preferences setting page or use another web browser. To know how to enable this setting by default on Safari for a ThoughtSpot embedded instance, contact ThoughtSpot Support.