

Event types emitted by the embedded ThoughtSpot application.

To add an event listener use the corresponding LiveboardEmbed.on or AppEmbed.on or SearchEmbed.on method.

import { EmbedEvent } from '@thoughtspot/visual-embed-sdk';
// Or
// const { EmbedEvent } = window.tsembed;

// create the liveboard embed.

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Drilldown, (drilldown) => {
  console.log('Drilldown event', drilldown);

Enumeration members🔗


ALL:= "*"

Emits all events.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.10.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.2.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.ALL, payload => {
 console.log('Embed Events', payload)


AddRemoveColumns:= "addRemoveColumns"

One or more data columns have been selected.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.10.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.2.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : columnIds - the list of columns

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AddRemoveColumns, payload => {
  console.log('AddRemoveColumns', payload);


AddToFavorites:= "addToFavorites"

Emitted when a user clicks on the Favorite icon on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AddToFavorites, payload => {
   console.log('favorites', payload);


Alert:= "alert"

The embedded object has sent an alert.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : alert - An alert object



AnswerChartSwitcher:= "answerChartSwitcher"

Emitted when an answer is switched to a chart or table view.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AnswerChartSwitcher, payload => {
   console.log('switch view', payload);


AnswerDelete:= "answerDelete"

Emitted when an Answer is deleted in the app

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AnswerDelete, payload => {
   console.log('delete answer', payload)}, {start: true })
//trigger when action is completed
appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AnswerDelete, payload => {
   console.log('delete answer', payload)})


AskSageInit:= "AskSageInit"

Emitted when Ask Sage is initialized.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.29.0 | Thoughtspot: 9.12.0.cl

returns : viewName: string

returns : viewId: string

returns : liveboardId: string

returns : isPublic: boolean


AuthExpire:= "ThoughtspotAuthExpired"

The ThoughtSpot auth session has expired.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.4.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.sep.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AuthExpire, showAuthExpired)
//show auth expired banner
function showAuthExpired() {


AuthInit:= "authInit"

Authentication has either succeeded or failed.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AuthInit, payload => {
   console.log('AuthInit', payload);

returns : isLoggedIn - A Boolean specifying whether authentication was successful.


Cancel:= "cancel"

Emitted when a user clicks Cancel in edit mode on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw



CopyAEdit:= "copyAEdit"

Emitted when the user creates a copy of an Answer

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.CopyAEdit, payload => {
   console.log('Copy and edit', payload)}, {start: true })
//emit when action ends
appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.CopyAEdit, payload => {
   console.log('Copy and edit', payload)})

CopyLink:= "embedDocument"

Emitted when a user clicks Copy link action on a visualization

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.CopyLink, {
  vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'})


CopyToClipboard:= "context-menu-item-copy-to-clipboard"

Emitted when a column value is copied in the embedded app.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

seachEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.CopyToClipboard, payload => {
   console.log('copy to clipboard', payload);


CreateConnection:= "createConnection"

Emitted when a user updates a connection on the Data page

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.27.0 | Thoughtspot: 9.8.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw


CreateWorksheet:= "createWorksheet"

Emitted when a user creates a new worksheet

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.27.0 | Thoughtspot: 9.8.0.cl


CrossFilterChanged:= "cross-filter-changed"

Emitted when a user interacts with cross filters on a visualization or Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.21.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.2.0.cl, 9.5.0.sw

liveboardEmbed.trigger(HostEvent.CrossFilterChanged, {
   vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'})


CustomAction:= "customAction"

A custom action has been triggered.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : actionId - ID of the custom action

returns : payload CustomActionPayload - Response payload with the Answer or Liveboard data

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.customAction, payload => {
    const data = payload.data;
    if (data.id === 'insert Custom Action ID here') {
        console.log('Custom Action event:', data.embedAnswerData);


Data:= "data"

Data pertaining to answer or Liveboard is received

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : data - The answer or Liveboard data

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Data, payload => {
   console.log('data', payload);


DataSourceSelected:= "dataSourceSelected"

One or more data sources have been selected.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : dataSourceIds - the list of data sources

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DataSourceSelected, payload => {
   console.log('DataSourceSelected', payload);


Delete:= "delete"

Emitted when a user clicks Delete on a visualization

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

  {vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'})


DeletePersonalisedView:= "deletePersonalisedView"

Emitted when a PersonalisedView is deleted.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | Thoughtspot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw

returns : views: string[]

returns : liveboardId: string


DialogClose:= "dialog-close"

Emitted when any modal is closed in the app

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.6.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts8.nov.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DialogClose, payload => {
    console.log('dialog close', payload);


DialogOpen:= "dialog-open"

Emitted when any modal is opened in the app

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.6.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts8.nov.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DialogOpen, payload => {
   console.log('dialog open', payload);


Download:= "download"

Emitted when the download action is triggered on an answer

Note: This event is deprecated in v1.21.0. To fire an event when a download action is initiated on a chart or table, use EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPng, EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPDF, EmbedEvent.DownloadAsCSV, or EmbedEvent.DownloadAsXLSX

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Download, {
vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'


DownloadAsCsv:= "downloadAsCsv"

Emitted when the Download as CSV action is triggered on an answer

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsCSV, payload => {
  console.log('download CSV', payload)}, {start: true })
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsCSV, payload => {
   console.log('download CSV', payload)})


DownloadAsPdf:= "downloadAsPdf"

Emitted when the Download as PDF action is triggered on an answer

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPdf, payload => {
  console.log('download PDF', payload)}, {start: true })
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPdf, payload => {
  console.log('download PDF', payload)})


DownloadAsPng:= "downloadAsPng"

Emitted when the download action is triggered on an answer

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.21.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.2.0.cl, 9.4.0.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPng, payload => {
  console.log('download PNG', payload)}, {start: true })
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsPng, payload => {
  console.log('download PNG', payload)})


DownloadAsXlsx:= "downloadAsXlsx"

Emitted when the Download as XLSX action is triggered on an answer

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsXlsx, payload => {
  console.log('download Xlsx', payload)}, { start: true })
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DownloadAsXlsx, payload => {
  console.log('download Xlsx', payload)})


DrillExclude:= "context-menu-item-exclude"

Emitted when a user clicks the Exclude action to exclude a specific value or data on a chart or table

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DrillExclude, payload => {
    console.log('Drill exclude', payload);


DrillInclude:= "context-menu-item-include"

Emitted when a user clicks the Include action to include a specific value or data on a chart or table.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DrillInclude, payload => {
   console.log('Drill include', payload);


Drilldown:= "drillDown"

A drill-down operation has been performed.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : additionalFilters - Any additional filters applied

returns : drillDownColumns - The columns on which drill down was performed

returns : nonFilteredColumns - The columns that were not filtered

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.DrillDown, {
   points: {
       selectedPoints: selectedPoint
   autoDrillDown: true,

In this example, VizPointDoubleClick event is used for triggering the DrillDown event when an area or specific data point on a table or chart is double-clicked.

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.VizPointDoubleClick, (payload) => {
  const clickedPoint = payload.data.clickedPoint;
  const selectedPoint = payload.data.selectedPoints;
  console.log('>>> called', clickedPoint);
  embed.trigger(HostEvent.DrillDown, {
     points: {
         selectedPoints: selectedPoint
  autoDrillDown: true,


Edit:= "edit"

Emitted when a user clicks Edit on a Liveboard or visualization

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Edit, payload => {
   console.log(`Liveboard edit', payload);


EditTML:= "editTSL"

Emitted when a user clicks the Edit TML action on an embedded Liveboard.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.EditTML, payload => {
   console.log('Edit TML', payload);


Error:= "Error"

An error has occurred. This event is fired for the following error types:

API - API call failure error. FULLSCREEN - Error when presenting a Liveboard or visualization in full screen mode. SINGLE_VALUE_FILTER - Error due to multiple values in the single value filter. NON_EXIST_FILTER - Error due to a non-existent filter. INVALID_DATE_VALUE - Invalid date value error. INVALID_OPERATOR - Use of invalid operator during filter application.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : error - An error object or message

// API error
SearchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Error, (error) => {
 // { type: "Error", data: { errorType: "API", error: { message: '...', error: '...' } } }
// Fullscreen error (Errors during presenting of a liveboard)
LiveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Error, (error) => {
  // { type: "Error", data: { errorType: "FULLSCREEN", error: {
  //   message: "Fullscreen API is not enabled",
  //   stack: "..."
  // } }}


Explore:= "explore"

Emitted when a user clicks Explore on a visualization

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Explore,  {
  vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'})


ExportTML:= "exportTSL"

Emitted when the Export TML action is triggered on an an embedded object in the app

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.ExportTML, payload => {
    console.log('Export TML', payload)}, { start: true })
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.ExportTML, payload => {
    console.log('Export TML', payload)})


FilterChanged:= "filterChanged"

Emitted when a user changes any filter on a Liveboard. Returns filter type and name, column name and ID, and runtime filter details.

Defined in : types.ts

LiveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.FilterChanged, (payload) => {
   console.log('payload', payload);

@version SDK: 1.23.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.4.0.cl, 9.5.0.sw


GetDataClick:= "getDataClick"

Emitted when the Get Data action is initiated. Applicable to SearchBarEmbed only.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.19.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.0.0.cl, 9.0.1.sw

 .then(data => {
 console.log('Answer Data:', data);


Init:= "init"

Rendering has initialized.

Defined in : types.ts

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Init, showLoader)
 //show a loader
function showLoader() {

returns : timestamp - The timestamp when the event was generated.


LiveboardInfo:= "pinboardInfo"

Emitted when a user clicks Show Liveboard details on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.AnswerChartSwitcher, payload => {
   console.log('Liveboard details', payload);


LiveboardRendered:= "PinboardRendered"

Emitted when the Liveboard shell loads. You can use this event as a hook to trigger other events on the rendered Liveboard.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.9.1 | ThoughtSpot: 8.1.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.LiveboardRendered, payload => {
console.log('Liveboard is rendered', payload);

The following example shows how to trigger SetVisibleVizs event using LiveboardRendered embed event:

const embedRef = useEmbedRef();
const onLiveboardRendered = () => {
embed.trigger(HostEvent.SetVisibleVizs, ['viz1', 'viz2']);


Load:= "load"

The embed object container has loaded.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : timestamp - The timestamp when the event was generated.

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Load, hideLoader)
   //hide loader
function hideLoader() {


MakeACopy:= "makeACopy"

Emitted when a user clicks Make a copy on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.MakeACopy, payload => {
   console.log(`Copy', payload);


NoCookieAccess:= "noCookieAccess"

Emitted when the embed does not have cookie access. This happens when Safari and other Web browsers block third-party cookies are blocked by default. NoCookieAccess can trigger

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.1.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.may.cl, 7.2.1.sw



OnBeforeGetVizDataIntercept:= "onBeforeGetVizDataIntercept"

Emitted when user wants to intercept the search execution

Set IsOnBeforeGetVizDataInterceptEnabled : true to use this embed event

(payload, responder) => {
     data: {
         execute: true,

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.29.0 | Thoughtspot : 10.2.0.cl


ParameterChanged:= "parameterChanged"

Emitted when parameter changes in an answer or liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.29.0 | Thoughtspot : 10.2.0.cl

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.ParameterChanged, (payload) => {
    console.log('payload', payload);


Pin:= "pin"

Emitted when an answer is pinned to a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Pin, payload => {
   console.log('pin', payload)
}, {
start: true
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Pin, payload => {
   console.log('pin', payload)


Present:= "present"

Emitted when a user clicks Present on a Liveboard or visualization

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Present, {
  vizId: '730496d6-6903-4601-937e-2c691821af3c'})


QueryChanged:= "queryChanged"

Search query has been updated by the user.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.4.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.sep.cl, 8.4.1.sw

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.QueryChanged, payload => console.log('data', payload))


Rename:= "rename"

Emitted when a LB/viz is renamed

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.28.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.10.5.cl


ResetLiveboard:= "resetLiveboard"

Emitted when a Liveboard is reset.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | Thoughtspot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw

returns : viewName: string

returns : viewId: string

returns : liveboardId: string

returns : isPublic: boolean


RouteChange:= "ROUTE_CHANGE"

Detects the route change.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.7.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.0.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.RouteChange, payload =>
   console.log('data', payload))


SageEmbedQuery:= "sageEmbedQuery"

Emitted when a user clicks the Go button on the Search page

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | Thoughtspot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw


SageWorksheetUpdated:= "sageWorksheetUpdated"

Emitted when a user selects a data source.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | Thoughtspot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw


Save:= "save"

Emitted when an Answer is saved in the app

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//Emit when action starts
 searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Save, payload => {
   console.log('Save', payload)
 }, {
   start: true
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Save, payload => {
   console.log('Save', payload)


SaveAsView:= "saveAsView"

Emitted when an Answer is saved as a View.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

appEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.SaveAsView, payload => {
   console.log('View', payload);


SavePersonalisedView:= "savePersonalisedView"

Emitted when a Personalised view is saved.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | Thoughtspot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw

returns : viewName: string

returns : viewId: string

returns : liveboardId: string

returns : isPublic: boolean


Schedule:= "subscription"

Emitted when a user clicks Schedule on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Schedule, payload => {
   console.log(`Liveboard schedule', payload);


SchedulesList:= "schedule-list"

Emitted when a user clicks Manage schedules on a Liveboard

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.15.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.7.0.cl, 8.8.1.sw



Share:= "share"

Emitted when a user shares an object with another user or group

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Share, payload => {
   console.log('Share', payload)
}, {
start: true
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.Share, payload => {
  console.log('Share', payload)


ShowUnderlyingData:= "showUnderlyingData"

Emitted when a user clicks Show underlying data on an Answer

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

liveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.ShowUnderlyingData, payload => {
   console.log('show data', payload);


SpotIQAnalyze:= "spotIQAnalyze"

Emitted when SpotIQ analysis is triggered

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

//emit when action starts
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.SpotIQAnalyze, payload => {
  console.log('SpotIQAnalyze', payload)
}, {
start: true
//emit when action ends
searchEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.SpotIQAnalyze, payload => {
  console.log('SpotIQ analyze', payload)


UpdateConnection:= "updateConnection"

Emitted when a user updates a connection on the Data page

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.27.0 | Thoughtspot: 9.8.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw


UpdatePersonalisedView:= "updatePersonalisedView"

Emitted when name, status (private or public) or filter values of a Personalised view is updated.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK : 1.26.0 | Thoughtspot: 9.7.0.cl, 9.8.0.sw

returns : viewName: string

returns : viewId: string

returns : liveboardId: string

returns : isPublic: boolean


UpdateTML:= "updateTSL"

Emitted when a user clicks the Update TML action on embedded Liveboard.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw



VizPointClick:= "vizPointClick"

Listen to clicks on a visualization in a Liveboard or Search result.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.11.0 | ThoughtSpot: 8.3.0.cl, 8.4.1.sw

returns : viz, clickedPoint - metadata about the point that is clicked

embed.on(EmbedEvent.VizPointClick, ({data}) => {
   data.vizId, // viz id


VizPointDoubleClick:= "vizPointDoubleClick"

Listen to double click actions on a visualization.

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.5.0 | ThoughtSpot: ts7.oct.cl, 7.2.1

returns : ContextMenuInputPoints - Data point that is double-clicked

livebaordEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.VizPointDoubleClick, payload => {
     console.log('VizPointDoubleClick', payload);


VizPointRightClick:= "vizPointRightClick"

Emitted when a user right clicks on a visualization (chart or table)

Defined in : types.ts

Version : SDK: 1.21.0 | ThoughtSpot: 9.2.0.cl, 9.5.0.sw

LiveboardEmbed.on(EmbedEvent.VizPointRightClick, payload => {
   console.log('VizPointClick', payload)