Deprecation announcements

Deprecation announcements

As ThoughtSpot applications evolve, some existing features will be deprecated and replaced with new and improved functionality. A deprecated feature may continue to be functional for a short period, but will not be maintained or supported with new workflows and functionality in subsequent releases.

July, 2024🔗

Application background customization via UI🔗

The application background customization option that is currently available on the Admin > Style customization and Develop > Customizations > Styles will be deprecated in the upcoming version.

Effective from
  • ThoughtSpot Cloud

  • ThoughtSpot Software 10.5.0.sw

Recommended action

To customize the background color of ThoughtSpot application, use the --ts-var-root-background CSS variable available with the CSS customization framework and Visual Embed SDK. For more information, see CSS customization framework.

June, 2024🔗

Deprecation of customCssUrl parameter🔗

The customCssUrl parameter in the EmbedConfig interface in the Visual Embed SDK is deprecated and will not be supported in future release versions.

Effective from
  • Visual Embed SDK version 1.30.0

  • ThoughtSpot Cloud

  • ThoughtSpot Software 9.5.1.sw

Recommended action

If you are using the CSS variables and overrides feature to rebrand or customize embedded pages, no action is required. However, if your implementation uses the customCssUrl parameter in the EmbedConfig interface to point to a custom CSS file, ThoughtSpot recommends switching to the customCSSUrl property in the customizations interface in the init code as shown in this example:

  thoughtSpotHost: "https://<ThoughtSpot-Host>",
  authType: AuthType.None,
  customizations: {
    style: {
       customCSSUrl: '',

If you are embedding ThoughtSpot without the SDK, you can switch to Visual Embed SDK and use the customization framework, or contact ThoughtSpot Support to configure your embed to point to your custom CSS file.

May, 2024🔗

Deprecated parameter in REST API v2.0 authentication token endpoints🔗

The jwt_user_options object property in /api/rest/2.0/auth/token/full and /api/rest/2.0/auth/token/object is deprecated.

Effective from
  • ThoughtSpot Cloud

  • ThoughtSpot Software 10.0.0.sw

Recommended action

Use the user_parameters property available with the /api/rest/2.0/auth/token/full and /api/rest/2.0/auth/token/object endpoints to define security entitlements to a user session.
For more information, see ABAC via tokenBeta.

April, 2024🔗

Deprecated parameters in Version Control APIs🔗

The default_branch_name and guid_mapping_branch_name parameters available with the /api/rest/2.0/vcs/git/config/create and /api/rest/2.0/vcs/git/config/update endpoints are deprecated.

Effective from
  • ThoughtSpot Cloud

  • ThoughtSpot Software 10.0.0.sw

Recommended action
  • default_branch_name is replaced by the commit_branch_name parameter.

  • guid_mapping_branch_name is replaced by the configuration_branch_name parameter.

Use the new parameters to configure Git branches for version control. For more information, see Git integration and version control.

September, 2022🔗

Deprecation of REST API v2 endpoints🔗

The REST API v2 Beta endpoints are deprecated from release. These API endpoints will remain functional but will not be accessible from the REST API Playground page from onwards.

Effective from
  • ThoughtSpot Cloud

  • ThoughtSpot Software 9.0.1.sw

Recommended action

If your current deployment uses REST API v2 Beta endpoints, your implementation may continue to work. However, we recommend transitioning to the REST API v2.0 endpoints as and when ThoughtSpot rolls out the new APIs for production use cases and General Availability (GA).


The REST API v2 Beta SDK is deprecated from onwards. ThoughtSpot does not recommend using REST API SDK to call REST API v2 Beta v2.0 endpoints.

Effective from
  • ThoughtSpot Cloud

  • ThoughtSpot Software 9.0.1.sw

Recommended action

Use the new version of REST API v2.0 endpoints and SDK versions available for these endpoints. For more information, see REST API v2.0 SDKs.


Starting from, the API documentation for the REST API v2 Beta endpoints will not be accessible from the REST API Playground in ThoughtSpot. For information about the REST API v2 Beta endpoints, see REST API v2 Beta reference.

Recommended action

For information about REST API v2.0 endpoints, refer to the following articles and visit the REST API v2 Playground.