REST API v2 <sup>Beta</sup> endpoints (Deprecated)

REST API v2 Beta endpoints (Deprecated)

Starting from the ThoughtSpot Cloud release, REST API v2 endpointsBeta are deprecated and removed from the ThoughtSpot API Playground. The API Playground will display the REST API V2 endpoints that are qualified for General Availability (GA).

For detailed information about the endpoints listed in this article, see REST API V2 (Beta) documentation.

The REST API v2 endpointsBeta includes the following resource collections and endpoints.


GET /tspublic/rest/v2/session

Gets details of the current session for the logged-in user.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/session/login

Signs in a user to ThoughtSpot.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/session/gettoken

Gets an OAuth access token for a ThoughtSpot client. You must send this token in the Authorization header to authorize your API requests.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/session/revoketoken

Revokes an existing access token assigned to a ThoughtSpot client. To make API calls, you must obtain a new access token.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/session/logout

Logs out a ThoughtSpot user.


POST /tspublic/rest/v2/user/create

Creates a user object.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/user

Gets details of a specific user. You must provide the username or the GUID of the user.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/user/update

Modifies the properties of a user object. You must specify a username or the GUID of the user. Requires administrator privileges.

DELETE /tspublic/rest/v2/user/delete

Deletes a user object.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/user/addgroup

Assigns a user to groups. If the assigned groups have privileges configured, the user inherits these privileges.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/user/removegroup

Removes the groups assigned to a user.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/user/changepassword

Allows changing a ThoughtSpot user’s password.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/user/search

Gets a list of users available in the ThoughtSpot system. To filter your query, you can specify the user type, group, privileges, sharing visibility, and other such attributes.


GET /tspublic/rest/v2/group

Gets details of a specific group.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/group/create

Creates a group object. Requires administrator privileges.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/group/update

Modifies the properties of a group object. Requires administrator privileges.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/group/addprivilege

Assigns privileges to a group. Requires administrator privileges.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/group/removeprivilege

Removes privileges assigned to a group. Requires administrator privileges.

DELETE /tspublic/rest/v2/group/delete

Deletes a group object. Requires administrator privileges.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/group/adduser

Assigns users to a group. Requires administrator privileges.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/group/removeuser

Removes one or several users assigned to a group. Requires administrator privileges.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/group/addgroup

Adds a group to another group object. This API request creates a hierarchy of groups. The subgroups inherit the privileges assigned to the parent group.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/group/removegroup

Removes a group from the parent group.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/group/search

Gets a list of groups created in the ThoughtSpot system. To filter your query, you can specify the group type, group name, privileges, sharing visibility, users, and other such attributes.


GET /tspublic/rest/v2/admin/configuration

Gets details of the current configuration of a ThoughtSpot cluster.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/admin/configuration/overrides

Gets details of configuration overrides.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/admin/configuration/update

Updates configuration settings of the ThoughtSpot cluster.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/admin/resetpassword

Resets the password of a user account.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/admin/syncprincipal

Synchronizes user account and group properties from an external database with ThoughtSpot.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/admin/changeauthor

Transfers the ownership of objects from one user to another.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/admin/assignauthor

Assigns ownership of objects to a specific user.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/admin/forcelogout

Logs out specified users from ThoughtSpot.


GET /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/tag

Gets details for the specified tag. You must specify the tag name or the GUID.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/tag/create

Creates a tag object.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/tag/update

Modifies the properties of a tag object.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/tag/assign

Assigns a tag to one or several metadata objects. You can assign a tag to a Liveboard, Answer, data object, and data connection objects.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/tag/unassign

Removes the tag assigned to an object.

DELETE /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/tag/delete

Deletes the specified tag.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/favorite/assign

Adds an object such as Liveboards and answers to a user’s favorites list.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/favorite/unassign

Removes the specified object from the user’s favorites list.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/homeliveboard

Gets the details of the Liveboard that is set as a default Liveboard for the ThoughtSpot user.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/homeliveboard/assign

Assigns a Liveboard as a default Liveboard for a ThoughtSpot user.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/homeliveboard/unassign

Removes the default home Liveboard setting for a ThoughtSpot user.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/incomplete

Gets a list of objects with incomplete metadata.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/header

Gets header details for a specific metadata object.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/details

Gets details of a specific metadata object. To filter your query, specify the metadata object type and the ID.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/vizheaders

Gets a list of visualization headers associated with a Liveboard.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/header/search

Gets a list of all metadata objects in the ThoughtSpot system. To filter your query, specify the metadata object type, access level, and other such attributes.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/detail/search

Gets details of one or several metadata objects of a specific type.

DELETE /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/delete

Deletes the specified metadata object. You can delete answers, Liveboards, tags, worksheets, views, tables, columns, and table joins.
Note that the endpoint does not support deleting the connection, user, and group objects. To delete these objects, use the following endpoints:

  • DELETE /tspublic/rest/v2/connection/delete

  • DELETE /tspublic/rest/v2/user/delete

  • DELETE /tspublic/rest/v2/group/delete

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/dependency

Gets a list of dependent metadata objects.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/tml/export

Exports a TML object and associated metadata.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/metadata/tml/import

Imports one or several TML objects and object associations.


GET /tspublic/rest/v2/connection

Gets details of a specific data connection.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/connection/database

Gets details of the databases associated with a connection ID.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/connection/table

Gets details of the tables associated with a connection ID.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/connection/tablecoloumn

Gets details of the columns of the tables associated with a connection ID.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/connection/create

Creates a data connection.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/connection/update

Updates an existing data connection.

DELETE /tspublic/rest/v2/connection/delete

Deletes a data connection.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/connection/addtable

Adds a table to an existing data connection.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/connection/removetable

Removes a table from an existing data connection.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/connection/search

Gets details of all data connections. You can also query data for a specific connection type.


POST /tspublic/rest/v2/data/search

Allows constructing a search query string and retrieves data from a search query.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/data/answer

Gets data from a saved search answer.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/data/liveboard

Gets data from the specified Liveboard and visualization.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/data/answer/querysql

Retrieves SQL for an Answer object.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/data/liveboard/querysql

Retrieves SQL for a visualization on a Liveboard.


POST /tspublic/rest/v2/report/answer

Downloads Answer data in the specified file format, such as PDF, CSV, PNG, and XLSX.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/report/liveboard

Downloads a given Liveboard and its visualizations as a PDF, CSV, XLSX, or PNG file.


POST /tspublic/rest/v2/security/share/tsobject

Allows sharing an object with another user or group in ThoughtSpot.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/security/share/visualization

Allows sharing a Liveboard visualization with another user or group in ThoughtSpot.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/security/permission/tsobject

Gets access permission details for a metadata object.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/security/permission/principal

Gets a list of objects that the specified user or group has access to.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/security/permission/tsobject/search

Gets permission details for specific objects, and users and groups who have access to these objects.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/security/permission/principal/search

Gets a list objects to which a user or group has READ_ONLY or MODIFY permissions.

Custom actionsπŸ”—

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/customaction

Gets details of a custom action.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/customaction/create

Creates a custom action.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/customaction/update

Updates a custom action object.

DELETE /tspublic/rest/v2/customaction/delete

Deletes a custom action object.

POST /tspublic/rest/v2/customaction/search

Allows searching for custom actions available in ThoughtSpot.

GET /tspublic/rest/v2/customaction/association

Gets metadata association details for a given custom action.

PUT /tspublic/rest/v2/customaction/association/update

Updates metadata association for a given custom action.

DELETE /tspublic/rest/v2/customactions/association/delete

Removes custom action association to a user, group or metadata object.


GET /tspublic/rest/v2/logs/events

Gets security audit logs from the ThoughtSpot system.