Configure Git integration

Configure Git integration

Git integration requires configuration within both ThoughtSpot, accomplished via the V2.0 REST APIs, and your Git provider (GitHub currently).

Configure Git repository🔗

Before you begin, make sure you have a GitHub or GitHub Enterprise account and access to a repository.

Ensure that your account has one of the following types of access tokens:

  • Personal access token (Classic)
    Make sure the access token has the repo scope that grants full access to public and private repositories, commit and deployment status, repository invitations, and security events.

  • Fine-grained personal access token.
    Make sure the token allows at least the following permissions:

    • Metadata: read

    • Commit statuses: read and write

    • Contents: read and write

Create branches for ThoughtSpot🔗

  1. Create a branch for use as the ThoughtSpot configuration branch, with no branch protection rules

  2. Create one branch in the Git repository for each environment, following the patterns described in Recommended configuration.

Enable Orgs and Git integration🔗

To configure Git branches and workflows, both Orgs and the Git integration feature must be enabled for your ThoughtSpot instances.

To enable these features on an instance, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

Confirm permissions within ThoughtSpot Orgs🔗

  • To commit objects from Thoughtspot to a Git repository, your ThoughtSpot user account requires at least view permission for all objects that will be committed as part of the operation.

  • To deploy or revert objects from a Git repository to ThoughtSpot, you require edit access to all objects that will be updated as part of the deployment. If the deployment contains Worksheets, Views, or Tables, users require Can manage data (DATAMANAGEMENT) privilege for deploy, commit, and revert operations.

GUID mapping and configuration files🔗

ThoughtSpot maintains a set of configuration files to facilitate the CI/CD process for developers. Typically, it includes:

  • One GUID mapping file per environment
    This file documents the GUID mapping for ThoughtSpot development objects from the source cluster, and their equivalent objects in the production environment to which commits are deployed.

  • One deploy file per environment
    This file tracks the last commit_id of the last successful deploy operation.

These files should be configured to save to their own "configuration branch" in Git and do not need to be merged into any other branches.

You can automate the initialization of these files using the REST API.

Connect your ThoughtSpot environment to the Git repository🔗

Each Org within a ThoughtSpot instance can be configured with its own Git configuration.

To connect your ThoughtSpot instance to a Git repository using REST API, send a POST request with the following parameters to the /api/rest/2.0/vcs/git/config/create REST API v2.0 endpoint.

Updates can be sent via /vcs/git/config/update, whereas using the /create endpoint again will serve to completely overwrite the existing configuration.

Configuration options🔗

The simplest deployment pattern enables one Git branch using the branch_names parameter, with the same branch as the commit_branch_name. The configuration_branch_name should be the same for all Orgs related to the same project. This will centralize all the commit and GUID mapping files for all environments into one branch.

For more advanced Git development patterns, list multiple branch_names in the configuration, which will allow you to specify any of the configured branches when using the commit files endpoint.

Request parameters🔗



String. The HTTPS URL of the Git repository; for example,


String. Username to authenticate to the Git repository.


String. Access token to authenticate to the Git repository.


String. ID of the Org. Define this parameter only if the Orgs feature is enabled on your ThoughtSpot cluster and separate Orgs are configured for development and production environments.


Array of strings. List of Git branches to configure.


String. Name of the remote branch where objects committed from this Thoughtspot instance will be versioned. Replaces default_branch_name, which is deprecated in


String. Deprecated in In earlier versions, this parameter was used to configure the name of the default Git branch to use for all operations on the cluster.


Boolean. Enables GUID mapping and generates a GUID mapping file. Starting from, this attribute is set to true by default. To know more about GUID mapping, see GUID mapping.


String. Name of the branch where the configuration files related to operations between Thoughtspot and the version control repository should be maintained. Replaces guid_mapping_branch_name, which is deprecated in


If no branch name is specified, by default, the ts_config_files branch is considered. Ensure this branch exists before configuration.


String. Deprecated in In earlier versions, this parameter was used to configure the name of the branch for the GUID mapping file.

Request example🔗

The following example shows the API request format for connecting ThoughtSpot to a GitHub repository.

curl -X POST \
  --url 'https://{ThoughtSpot-Host-Dev}/api/rest/2.0/vcs/git/config/create' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {Bearer_token}  \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
  "repository_url": "",
  "username": "ts-git-user",
  "access_token": "{ACCESS_TOKEN}",
  "org_identifier": "dev"
  "branch_names": [
  "commit_branch_name": "dev",
  "configuration_branch_name": "_ts_config"

If the API request is successful, the ThoughtSpot instance will be connected to the Git repository.

Go into each Org an issue the config/create call to link the appropriate branch to establish all environments.

The following example shows the API request parameters to connect a ThoughtSpot Prod Org to the Git repo. Note that GUID mapping is enabled in the API request.

The Bearer_token value must be requested for the desired Org, specified through the org_id value of the full access token REST API request.

curl -X POST \
  --url 'https://{ThoughtSpot-Host-Prod}/api/rest/2.0/vcs/git/config/create' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {Bearer_token}  \
  -H 'Accept: application/json'\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
  "repository_url": "",
  "username": "ts-git-user",
  "access_token": "{ACCESS_TOKEN}",
  "enable_guid_mapping": true,
  "org_identifier": "prod"
  "branch_names": [
  "enable_guid_mapping": true,
  "commit_branch_name": "prod",
  "configuration_branch_name": "_ts_config"

Initialize .mapping and .config files🔗

Version control and GUID mapping utilize files stored in the configuration_branch.

You can initialize these files by immediately using the deploy commits REST API after configuring the Org for Git.

See the script for an example of deploying a full Orgs or branches setup for structured development and deployment.

Update Git configuration🔗

To update the repository details or access token, send a POST request with Git configuration parameters to the /api/rest/2.0/vcs/git/config/update API endpoint.

Search Git configuration🔗

To get repository configuration information, send a POST request to /api/rest/2.0/vcs/git/config/search API endpoint.

Delete Git configuration🔗

To delete the repository configuration, send a POST request to the /api/rest/2.0/vcs/git/config/delete endpoint.