

When building embedded applications with ThoughtSpot, multi-tenacy has two meanings:

  • Multi-tenancy within the ThoughtSpot instance

  • Multi-tenancy within the data warehouse

The combination of these two factors determines the preferred development and deployment pattern in ThoughtSpot.

Multi-tenancy in ThoughtSpot🔗

Best practice for all structured development and deployment processes in ThoughtSpot requires utilizing multi-tenancy in ThoughtSpot via Orgs.

By default, ThoughtSpot operates in a single-tenant mode, with all of the administration functions for Orgs hidden. If you need Orgs for a structured development and deployment process, contact ThoughtSpot Support.

Access control (sharing) and row-level security serve to separate out users and filter content within a single Org. This means a single "prod" org can serve all end customers, if the data warehouse design is itself multi-tenanted.

Multi-tenancy in the data warehouse🔗

The exact deployment pattern chosen will depend on the design of your data warehouse.

At a basic level:

  • if the prod data warehouse is multi-tenanted and all end customer data is in the same tables, then a single "prod" environment can be used, with row-level security (RLS) and proper access control (sharing) configured to isolate users and show only their data

  • if the prod data warehouse is single-tenanted and each end customer’s data is separated in different databases or schemas, then a prod Org per end customer deployment pattern is used, with the final deployment from a "release" environment to each individual "end customer prod" environment

The actual level of multi-tenant Org separation is totally up to ThoughtSpot Customer, dependent on your business requirements