Dependent objects APIs

Dependent objects APIs

The tspublic/v1/dependency endpoints allow you to query dependent objects for a metadata object type or ID.

Dependency in ThoughtSpot is defined as a relation between the referenced and referencing objects. If the referenced object cannot be deleted without first deleting the referencing object, the referenced object is considered as a dependent object.

Consider a Worksheet (Worksheet1) that has a derived logical column (Column1), which in turn has a reference to a base logical column (Column2).

Dependent objects

In this example, Worksheet1 has a dependency on Column2, which means that Worksheet1 is a referencing object and Column2 is a referenced object. ThoughtSpot does not allow you to delete Column2 if you have not deleted Worksheet1, because the deletion of Column2 will be prevented by the relationship between Worksheet1’s Column1 and Column2. Similarly, Column1 has a dependency on Column2; that is, Column1 is a referencing object and Column2 is a referenced object. You cannot delete Column2 without first deleting Column1.

Before deleting a data object such as a Worksheet, table, or column, you must check if it has any dependent objects, and remove its associations.

Data object types🔗

The tspublic/v1/dependency endpoint allows you to query and edit dependency for the following data object types:

  • LOGICAL_TABLE for data objects such as tables, worksheets, or views.

  • QUESTION_ANSWER_BOOK for answers.

  • PINBOARD_ANSWER_BOOK for Liveboards.

  • LOGICAL_COLUMN for columns of a table, Worksheet, or View.

  • LOGICAL_RELATIONSHIP for table joins.

    A join combines columns from one or several data objects by using matching values.

  • PHYSICAL_COLUMN for the underlying column objects that exist in the physical layer of the data repository.

  • PHYSICAL_TABLE for the original underlying table that is mapped to a logical table, Worksheet, or View. Physical table mapping details are available only on ThoughtSpot instances that use the Falcon database, most commonly ThoughtSpot software instances.


You need to specify the GUIDs of the data objects in the API requests to fetch dependent details.

  • To get the GUID of these objects, you can send API requests to /tspublic/v1/metadata/details or /tspublic/v1/metadata/listobjectheaders API endpoints.

  • To get the GUID of the physical table, query the logical table to which the physical table is mapped and copy the PhysicalTableGUID.

Supported operations🔗

API endpointAvailable from

POST /tspublic/v1/dependency/listdependents
Gets a list of dependents for a given data object type.

ThoughtSpot Cloud
ThoughtSpot Software 7.1.1

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/logicalcolumn
Gets a list of dependent objects for a logical column.

ThoughtSpot Cloud
ThoughtSpot Software 7.2.1

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/logicaltable
Gets a list of dependent objects for data objects such as worksheets, tables, or views.

ThoughtSpot Cloud
ThoughtSpot Software 7.2.1

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/logicalrelationship
Gets a list of dependent objects for table joins.

ThoughtSpot Cloud
ThoughtSpot Software 7.2.1

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/physicalcolumn
Gets a list of dependent objects for a physical column.

ThoughtSpot Cloud
ThoughtSpot Software 7.2.1

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/physicaltable
Gets a list of dependent objects for a physical table.

ThoughtSpot Cloud
ThoughtSpot Software 7.2.1

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/pinboard
Gets a list of dependent object headers for a Liveboard.

ThoughtSpot Cloud
ThoughtSpot Software 7.2.1

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/listincomplete
Gets a list of objects with incomplete metadata.

ThoughtSpot Cloud
ThoughtSpot Software 7.2.1

Required permissions🔗

You must have edit access to the metadata objects that you want to query.

Get dependent objects for metadata type🔗

To get a list of dependents for a specific metadata object type, send a POST request to the /tspublic/v1/dependency/listdependents endpoint.

Resource URL🔗

POST /tspublic/v1/dependency/listdependents

Request parameters🔗

Form parameterDescription


String. Type of the data object. Valid values are:

  • LOGICAL_TABLE for data objects such as tables, worksheets, or views.

  • LOGICAL_COLUMN for columns of a table, worksheet, or View.

  • LOGICAL_RELATIONSHIP for table joins.

  • PHYSICAL_COLUMN for physical column objects

  • PHYSICAL_TABLE for a physical table


Array of strings. A JSON array of GUIDs of the metadata objects.


Integer. The maximum number of batches to fetch in a query. If this attribute is not defined, the batchsize value specified in the cluster configuration is used. To get the list of all dependent objects in a single query, define the batch size attribute as -1.

Example request🔗

curl -X POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' \
-d 'id=%5B%22cd252e5c-b552-49a8-821d-3eadaa049cca%22%2C%20%2269428b60-58fd-42d7-b645-16ea3d524a06%22%5D&batchsize=1' \
Request URL

Example response🔗

If the POST operation is successful, the API returns a response body with dependent object details:

  "69428b60-58fd-42d7-b645-16ea3d524a06": {},
  "cd252e5c-b552-49a8-821d-3eadaa049cca": {
        "hasTabs": false,
        "modelVersion": "V1",
        "id": "d084c256-e284-4fc4-b80c-111cb606449a",
        "indexVersion": 12,
        "generationNum": 566,
        "name": "Sales Performance",
        "description": "",
        "author": "59481331-ee53-42be-a548-bd87be6ddd4a",
        "authorName": "tsadmin",
        "authorDisplayName": "Administrator",
        "created": 1620247455573,
        "modified": 1620247455573,
        "modifiedBy": "59481331-ee53-42be-a548-bd87be6ddd4a",
        "owner": "d084c256-e284-4fc4-b80c-111cb606449a",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "isAutoCreated": false,
        "isAutoDelete": false,
        "resolvedObjects": {},
        "tags": [],
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false

Response codes🔗

HTTP status codeDescription


Successful addition of dependent objects


Invalid object ID


Null object ID

Get dependent objects for a column🔗

To get the details of dependent objects for a logical column in a worksheet, table, or View, send a GET request to /tspublic/v1/dependency/logicalcolumn API endpoint.

Resource URL🔗

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/logicalcolumn

Request parameters🔗

Query parameterDescription


Array of strings. A JSON array of GUIDs of the columns of a Table, Worksheet, or View.

Example request🔗

curl -X GET \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' \
Request URL

Example response🔗

If the GET operation is successful, the API returns a list of dependent objects such as worksheets, Liveboard objects, and answers.

  "34d09c13-08a3-4b09-907b-92cc6f544f78": {
        "id": "2b9d083a-275c-4984-9cfe-90b036affa17",
        "indexVersion": 2280,
        "generationNum": 2280,
        "name": "Discover Monitoring Data",
        "description": "",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1604575960913,
        "modified": 1616226670804,
        "modifiedBy": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "owner": "2b9d083a-275c-4984-9cfe-90b036affa17",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "tags": [],
        "type": "WORKSHEET",
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false
        "hasTabs": false,
        "modelVersion": "V1",
        "id": "eea322db-2b8c-4bb7-922d-a80807a0ba94",
        "indexVersion": 15,
        "generationNum": 2271,
        "name": "Stats and Trends for Search on Answers",
        "description": "This Liveboard describes how users are searching for existing answers. It provides what users are searching for, where users are successful and where they are not.",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1604579772176,
        "modified": 1619631844661,
        "modifiedBy": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "owner": "eea322db-2b8c-4bb7-922d-a80807a0ba94",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "isAutoCreated": false,
        "isAutoDelete": false,
        "resolvedObjects": {},
        "tags": [],
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false
  "0761cc6a-543b-4db3-a066-43c707a2655e": {
        "id": "2b9d083a-275c-4984-9cfe-90b036affa17",
        "indexVersion": 2280,
        "generationNum": 2280,
        "name": "Discover Monitoring Data",
        "description": "",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1604575960913,
        "modified": 1616226670804,
        "modifiedBy": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "owner": "2b9d083a-275c-4984-9cfe-90b036affa17",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "tags": [],
        "type": "WORKSHEET",
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false
        "hasTabs": false,
        "modelVersion": "V1",
        "id": "eea322db-2b8c-4bb7-922d-a80807a0ba94",
        "indexVersion": 15,
        "generationNum": 2271,
        "name": "Stats and Trends for Search on Answers",
        "description": "This Liveboard describes how users are searching for existing answers. It provides what users are searching for, where users are successful and where they are not.",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1604579772176,
        "modified": 1619631844661,
        "modifiedBy": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "owner": "eea322db-2b8c-4bb7-922d-a80807a0ba94",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "isAutoCreated": false,
        "isAutoDelete": false,
        "resolvedObjects": {},
        "tags": [],
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false

Response codes🔗

HTTP status codeDescription


Successful retrieval of dependent objects


Invalid object ID

Get dependent details for data objects🔗

To get the details of dependent objects for a Worksheet, Table, or View, send a GET request to the /tspublic/v1/dependency/logicaltable API endpoint.

Resource URL🔗

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/logicaltable

Request parameters🔗

Query parameterDescription


Array of strings. The GUIDs of data objects such as a worksheet, tables, or views.

Example request🔗

curl -X GET \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' \
Request URL

Example response🔗

If the GET operation is success, the API returns a list of dependent objects:

  "f7b13cf6-c2a7-46c1-ae13-d0ef97e98ea4": {
        "id": "33052ef8-5296-4aa8-8c57-7499ef0cb282",
        "indexVersion": 15,
        "generationNum": 547,
        "name": "Table wise details of data, query and performance - Last 90 days",
        "description": "",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1579692750445,
        "modified": 1579692930908,
        "modifiedBy": "0f0dd0f7-7411-4195-a4aa-0dc6b58413c9",
        "owner": "33052ef8-5296-4aa8-8c57-7499ef0cb282",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "isAutoCreated": false,
        "isAutoDelete": false,
        "clientState": {
          "queryState": "FALCON",
          "hasUserDefinedName": true
        "tags": [],
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false
        "id": "a4a991b4-7039-4998-b903-ce58688989ee",
        "indexVersion": 560,
        "generationNum": 560,
        "name": "TS: Rows of un-cached tables by Connection [Deprecated]",
        "description": "Aggregate Worksheet to keep sum of row for each un-cached tables in a connection",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1572114887820,
        "modified": 1598437970534,
        "modifiedBy": "0f0dd0f7-7411-4195-a4aa-0dc6b58413c9",
        "owner": "a4a991b4-7039-4998-b903-ce58688989ee",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "tags": [],
        "type": "AGGR_WORKSHEET",
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false
  "2b9d083a-275c-4984-9cfe-90b036affa17": {
        "hasTabs": false,
        "modelVersion": "V1",
        "id": "eea322db-2b8c-4bb7-922d-a80807a0ba94",
        "indexVersion": 15,
        "generationNum": 552,
        "name": "Stats and Trends for Search on Answers",
        "description": "This Liveboard describes how users are searching for existing answers. It provides what users are searching for, where users are successful and where they are not.",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1604579772176,
        "modified": 1619631844661,
        "modifiedBy": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "owner": "eea322db-2b8c-4bb7-922d-a80807a0ba94",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "isAutoCreated": false,
        "isAutoDelete": false,
        "resolvedObjects": {},
        "tags": [],
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false

Response codes🔗

HTTP status codeDescription


Successful retrieval of dependent objects


Invalid object ID

Get dependent objects for table joins🔗

To get the details of dependent objects for table joins, send a GET request to the /tspublic/v1/dependency/logicalrelationship API endpoint.

Resource URL🔗

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/logicalrelationship

Request parameters🔗

Query parameterDescription


Array of strings. A JSON array of the GUIDs of table joins.

Example request🔗

curl -X GET \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' \
Request URL

Example response🔗

If the GET operation is successful, the API returns the following response:

  "594ac790-4b03-4853-8953-47040332bc36": {
        "id": "33052ef8-5296-4aa8-8c57-7499ef0cb282",
        "indexVersion": 15,
        "generationNum": 547,
        "name": "Table wise details of data, query and performance - Last 90 days",
        "description": "",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1579692750445,
        "modified": 1579692930908,
        "modifiedBy": "0f0dd0f7-7411-4195-a4aa-0dc6b58413c9",
        "owner": "33052ef8-5296-4aa8-8c57-7499ef0cb282",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "isAutoCreated": false,
        "isAutoDelete": false,
        "clientState": {
          "queryState": "FALCON",
          "hasUserDefinedName": true
        "tags": [],
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false

Response codes🔗

HTTP status codeDescription


Successful retrieval of dependent objects


Invalid object ID

Get dependent objects for physical columns🔗

To get the details of dependent objects for a physical column, send a GET request to the /tspublic/v1/dependency/physicalcolumn API endpoints.

Resource URL🔗

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/physicalcolumn

Request parameters🔗

Query parameterDescription


Array of strings. A JSON array of GUIDs of the physical columns.

Example request🔗

curl -X GET \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' \
Request URL

Example response🔗

  "34d09c13-08a3-4b09-907b-92cc6f544f78": {
        "id": "2b9d083a-275c-4984-9cfe-90b036affa17",
        "indexVersion": 2280,
        "generationNum": 2280,
        "name": "Discover Monitoring Data",
        "description": "",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1604575960913,
        "modified": 1616226670804,
        "modifiedBy": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "owner": "2b9d083a-275c-4984-9cfe-90b036affa17",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "tags": [],
        "type": "WORKSHEET",
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false
        "hasTabs": false,
        "modelVersion": "V1",
        "id": "eea322db-2b8c-4bb7-922d-a80807a0ba94",
        "indexVersion": 15,
        "generationNum": 2271,
        "name": "Stats and Trends for Search on Answers",
        "description": "This Liveboard describes how users are searching for existing answers. It provides what users are searching for, where users are successful and where they are not.",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1604579772176,
        "modified": 1619631844661,
        "modifiedBy": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "owner": "eea322db-2b8c-4bb7-922d-a80807a0ba94",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "isAutoCreated": false,
        "isAutoDelete": false,
        "resolvedObjects": {},
        "tags": [],
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false
  "0761cc6a-543b-4db3-a066-43c707a2655e": {
        "id": "2b9d083a-275c-4984-9cfe-90b036affa17",
        "indexVersion": 2280,
        "generationNum": 2280,
        "name": "Discover Monitoring Data",
        "description": "",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1604575960913,
        "modified": 1616226670804,
        "modifiedBy": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "owner": "2b9d083a-275c-4984-9cfe-90b036affa17",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "tags": [],
        "type": "WORKSHEET",
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false

Response codes🔗

HTTP status codeDescription


Successful retrieval of dependent objects


Invalid object ID

Get dependent objects for physical tables🔗

To get dependent objects for a physical table, send a GET request to the /tspublic/v1/dependency/physicaltable API endpoint.

Resource URL🔗

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/physicaltable

Request parameters🔗

Query parameterDescription


Array of strings. A JSON array of the GUIDs of the physical table.

Example request🔗

curl -X GET \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' \
Request URL

Example response🔗

  "f7b13cf6-c2a7-46c1-ae13-d0ef97e98ea4": {
        "id": "33052ef8-5296-4aa8-8c57-7499ef0cb282",
        "indexVersion": 15,
        "generationNum": 547,
        "name": "Table wise details of data, query and performance - Last 90 days",
        "description": "",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1579692750445,
        "modified": 1579692930908,
        "modifiedBy": "0f0dd0f7-7411-4195-a4aa-0dc6b58413c9",
        "owner": "33052ef8-5296-4aa8-8c57-7499ef0cb282",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "isAutoCreated": false,
        "isAutoDelete": false,
        "clientState": {
          "queryState": "FALCON",
          "hasUserDefinedName": true
        "tags": [],
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false
        "id": "a4a991b4-7039-4998-b903-ce58688989ee",
        "indexVersion": 560,
        "generationNum": 560,
        "name": "TS: Rows of un-cached tables by Connection [Deprecated]",
        "description": "Aggregate Worksheet to keep sum of row for each un-cached tables in a connection",
        "author": "67e15c06-d153-4924-a4cd-ff615393b60f",
        "authorName": "system",
        "authorDisplayName": "System User",
        "created": 1572114887820,
        "modified": 1598437970534,
        "modifiedBy": "0f0dd0f7-7411-4195-a4aa-0dc6b58413c9",
        "owner": "a4a991b4-7039-4998-b903-ce58688989ee",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "tags": [],
        "type": "AGGR_WORKSHEET",
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false

Response codes🔗

HTTP status codeDescription


Successful retrieval of dependent objects


Invalid object ID

Get dependent details for Liveboards🔗

When a default Liveboard is assigned to a user group in ThoughtSpot, it is used for onboarding new users of that group. Users of this group can also mark the default Liveboard as a favorite and use its data source for a new search.

If a Liveboard is set as a default Liveboard for a user group, the /tspublic/v1/dependency/pinboard endpoint will return the user group as a dependent object for that Liveboard. This API endpoint does not return other dependent data objects such as tables, views, and worksheets.

Resource URL🔗

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/pinboard

Request parameters🔗

Query parameterDescription


Array of strings. A JSON array of Liveboard GUIDs.

Example request🔗

curl -X GET \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' \
Request URL

Example response🔗

  "d084c256-e284-4fc4-b80c-111cb606449a": {
    "USER_GROUP": [
        "id": "75e405e2-5bf2-4308-a3ac-e270fe288b51",
        "indexVersion": 1074,
        "generationNum": 1074,
        "name": "Test",
        "displayName": "Test",
        "description": "",
        "author": "59481331-ee53-42be-a548-bd87be6ddd4a",
        "created": 1637582831120,
        "modified": 1637839396188,
        "modifiedBy": "59481331-ee53-42be-a548-bd87be6ddd4a",
        "owner": "75e405e2-5bf2-4308-a3ac-e270fe288b51",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "tags": [],
        "type": "LOCAL_GROUP",
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false

Response codes🔗

HTTP status codeDescription


Successful retrieval of dependent objects


Invalid object ID

Get incomplete objects🔗

To get a list of objects with incomplete metadata, send a GET request to the /tspublic/v1/dependency/listincomplete API endpoint.

Resource URL🔗

GET /tspublic/v1/dependency/listincomplete

Request parameters🔗


Example request🔗

curl -X GET \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'X-Requested-By: ThoughtSpot' \
Request URL

Example response🔗

If the cluster has objects with incomplete metadata details, the API returns the headers for the objects that have incomplete information:

      "worksheet": {
        "id": "bcbfde69-d491-4422-bf90-2204cc8675cb",
        "indexVersion": 560,
        "generationNum": 560,
        "name": "Cust_WS",
        "author": "5567b729-0031-41bf-9598-16e5046d3ec6",
        "authorName": "User4",
        "authorDisplayName": "User4",
        "created": 1625121896494,
        "modified": 1625121896499,
        "modifiedBy": "5567b729-0031-41bf-9598-16e5046d3ec6",
        "owner": "bcbfde69-d491-4422-bf90-2204cc8675cb",
        "isDeleted": false,
        "isHidden": false,
        "tags": [],
        "type": "WORKSHEET",
        "isExternal": false,
        "isDeprecated": false
      "incompleteDetails": []

Response codes🔗

HTTP status codeDescription


Successful retrieval of dependent objects


Invalid object ID