CSS variables reference

CSS variables reference

The ThoughtSpot CSS customization framework defines a number of variables for applying styles throughout embedded ThoughSpot components.

Application-wide settings🔗

The following example shows the supported variables:



Background color of the Liveboard, visualization, Search, and Answer pages.


Color of the text on application pages.


Color of the text on application pages.


Font type for the text on application pages.


Text transformation specification for UI elements in the app.


Font color of the text on toggle buttons such as All, Answers, and Liveboards on the homepage, chart and table titles on the AI Answer page.


Background color of the toggle buttons to switch between All, Answers, and Liveboards on the homepage.

Navigation panel🔗

The navigation panel appears at the top of the application page.



Background color of the top navigation panel.


Font color of the top navigation panel.


Background color of the Search data button.


Color of the text on the Search data button.


Font of the text on the Search data button.

Search bar and Data panel🔗

The search bar element that allows passing search tokens.



Font color of the text in the Search bar.


Font of the text in the Search bar.


Font style of the text in the Search bar.


Background color of the search bar.


Background color of the search suggestions panel.


Background color of the navigation panel that allows you to undo, redo, and reset search operations.


Background color of the navigation help text that appears at the bottom of the search suggestions panel.


Background color of the search suggestion block on hover.


Font color of the text in the search suggestion panel.


Font color of the sub-text that appears below the keyword in the search suggestion panel.


Background color of the data panel.


Background color of the vertical panel on the right side of the Answer page, which includes the options to edit charts and tables.

The following figure shows customizable search page components:

Search components

Chart switcher🔗

The chart switcher icon chart switcher appears on search results and Answer pages:



Background color of the chart switcher on search results and Answer pages.


Background color of the currently selected chart type in the chart switcher.

Button elements🔗

ThoughtSpot application contains the following types of button elements:

  • Primary
    Buttons that trigger an action for an entire page or a container. For example, the Go button on the search bar.


    The Go button appears as a primary button when the search bar is in the focused state. If you click outside the search bar or execute the search query to load search results, the Go button changes to a secondary button.

    Primary buttons may contain text, text with an icon, or just an icon.

  • Secondary
    Buttons that trigger additional actions. For example, More menu the more options menu and Share buttons on a Liveboard.

  • Tertiary
    Buttons that are less prominent and trigger independent actions for sub-tasks on a page. For example,the Undo, Redo, Reset buttons on the Search page.

Use the following variables to customize buttons.

VariableElement typeDescription


Main button

Border-radius of main buttons.
For example, the Search data button in the top navigation panel.


Small buttons

Border-radius of small buttons such as secondary buttons.
For example, share and favorite buttons.


Primary button

Font color of the text on primary buttons. For example, the primary buttons on Liveboard, Answer, Data workspace, SpotIQ, or Home page.


Primary button

Font family specification for the text on primary buttons.


Primary button

Background color of the primary buttons. For example, the primary buttons such as Pin and Save.


Primary button

Background color of the primary buttons on hover.


Secondary button

Font color of the text on the secondary buttons.


Secondary button

Font family specification for the text on the secondary buttons.


Secondary button

Background color of the secondary buttons.


Secondary button

Background color of the secondary button on hover.


Tertiary button

Font color of the tertiary button. For example, the Undo, Redo, and Reset buttons on the Search page.


Tertiary button

Background color of the tertiary button.


Tertiary button

Background color of the tertiary button when a user hovers over these buttons.

Natural Language Search interface🔗

The Natural Language Search interface is also referred to as Sage Search. The Sage Search interface includes several elements such as the header, search bar, suggested queries, and sample questions panel.



Background color of the header bar on the Sage Search page.


Background color of the data source selector.


Font color of the search text.


Background color of the Sage search box.


Background color of the Answer page generated from a Sage Search query.


Background color of the sample questions panel.


Font color of the search query text in the sample questions panel.


Background color of the sample question panel on hover

Not supported in 9.10.0.cl and later versions

URL path of the search icon on the header bar.

Not supported in 9.10.0.cl and later versions

Color of the search icon on the header bar.

Not supported in 9.10.0.cl and later versions

Visibility of the search icon on the header bar.


Use the following variables to customize the Liveboard page elements.



Background color of the edit panel on the Liveboard. The edit panel is displayed when the Liveboard is in edit mode.


Background color of the cross-filter layout.

Visualization and Answer charts🔗

Use the following variables to customize UI elements on Liveboard, visualization and Answer pages.

Tiles on Liveboard, title and description of charts and tables🔗

You can customize the look and feel of the visualization tiles on a Liveboard, styles for title and description text of charts and tables.



Font color of the title text of a visualization or Answer.


Font family specification for the title text of a visualization/Answer.


Text transformation specification for visualization and Answer titles.


Font color of the description text and subtitle of a visualization or Answer.


Font family specification of description text and subtitle of a visualization or Answer.


Text transformation specification for description text and subtitle of a visualization or Answer.


Border-radius for the visualization tiles and header panel on a Liveboard.


Box shadow property for the visualization tiles and header panel on a Liveboard.


Background color of the visualization tiles and header panel on a Liveboard.


Background color of the legend on a visualization or Answer.

Chart selection widget🔗

The chart selection widget appears on clicking the Change visualization icon the Change visualization icon on the Answer page or when you open a visualization in the Edit mode.

Chart selection widget

Use the following variables to customize the background color of the chart type icons:



Background color of the selected chart type on the chart selection widget.


Background color of the chart type element when a user hovers over a chart type on the chart selection widget.

Filter chips on visualization and Answer pages🔗

Filter chips appear on the Liveboard, Answer, and visualization pages if filters are applied on charts and tables. You can use the following variables to customize the look and feel of filter chips.



Border-radius of filter chips.


Shadow effect for filter chips.


Background color of filter chips.


Font color of the filter label when a filter chip is selected


Background color of the filter chips when selected.


Font color of the text on filter chips when hovered over.


Background color of filter chips on hover.


Font color of the text on filter chips.


Font family specification for the text on filter chips.

Axis title and labels on charts🔗

Use the following variables to customize X-axis and Y-axis titles and labels on charts.



Font color of axis title on charts.


Font family specification for the X and Y axis title text.


Font color of the X and Y axis labels.


Font family specification for X and Y axis labels .

Menu elements🔗

CSS Variables for More menu the more options menu, contextual menu, and dropdown selection panels. The More menu appears on Liveboard, visualization, answers, SpotIQ, and several other application pages. Contextual menu appears when you right-click on a data point on a chart or table.



Font color of the menu items.


Background color of menu panels.


Font family specification for the menu items.


Text capitalization specification for the menu items.


Background color for menu items on hover.


CSS variables for dialogs that prompt the user to select an option or enter information. For example, the Liveboard pin dialog that appears on clicking Pin on the Search results or Answer page, the Show underlying data dialog that appears on clicking Show underlying data on a Liveboard visualization or Answer.



Background color of the dialogs.


Font color of the body text displayed on dialogs.


Background color of the header text on dialogs.


Font color of the header text on dialogs.


Background color of the footer area on dialogs.

Homepage modules (New experience mode)🔗

If the new navigation and homepage experience is enabled on your instance and in the embedded view, the homepage presents favourites, KPI charts on the watchlist, a library of Liveboards and Answers, and trending charts as separate modular elements. To customize the look and feel of these elements, you can use the following CSS variables:



Font color of the text in the selected panel in the Watchlist module.


Background color of the app icons in the app selector panel.


Font color of the text on the favorites card.


Background color of the favorites card.


Background color of the star icon on the favorites card.

UI element reference🔗

The following figures show the customizable elements and example definitions for CSS variables.

Search page (New Data panel experience)🔗

CSS customization Search page

Search page (Classic Data panel experience)🔗

CSS customization Search page

Liveboard page🔗

CSS customization Liveboard page

Homepage modules (New experience)🔗

CSS customization homepage modules

Sample CSS file with variable definitions🔗

ThoughtSpot provides a default CSS file containing the most common variables and rules supported in a given release version. The following is an exampe of what is included in the full variables file:

:root {

  /* Application-wide background, app-wide text color, app-wide font, app-wide text transform */
  --ts-var-root-background: #FFFFFF;
  --ts-var-root-color: #1D232F;
  --ts-var-root-font-family: Roboto,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
  --ts-var-root-text-transform: initial;
  --ts-var-root-secondary-color: initial;
  --ts-var-application-color: #0000FF;

  /* Top navigation panel */
  --ts-var-nav-color: #F7F5FF;
  --ts-var-nav-background: #163772;
  --ts-var-search-data-button-background": #EAEDF2;
  --ts-var-search-data-button-font-color: var(--ts-var-root-color);
  --ts-var-search-data-button-font-family: var(--ts-var-root-font-family);

  /* Search bar, search navigation and auto-suggestion panels */
  --ts-var-search-bar-text-font-color: #1D232F;
  --ts-var-search-bar-text-font-family: var(--ts-var-root-font-family);
  --ts-var-search-bar-text-font-style: normal;
  --ts-var-search-bar-background: #000000;
  --ts-var-search-auto-complete-background: #EAEDF2;
  --ts-var-search-navigation-button-background: #EAEDF2;
  --ts-var-search-bar-navigation-help-text-background: #EAEDF2;
  --ts-var-search-bar-auto-complete-hover-background: #C0C6CF;
  --ts-var-search-auto-complete-font-color: #000000;
  --ts-var-search-auto-complete-subtext-font-color: #1D232F;

  /*  Data and edit panels on Answer page */
  --ts-var-answer-data-panel-background-color: initial;
  --ts-var-answer-edit-panel-background-color: #1D232F;

  /*  Buttons */
  /* Application-wide button design for main buttons. For example, Search data*/
  --ts-var-button-border-radius: 5px;

  /* Application-wide button design for smaller buttons. For example, buttons with share and favorite icons*/
  --ts-var-button--icon-border-radius: 5px;

  /* Primary buttons: For example, the Go button in the search bar, the Pin and Save buttons on the Search page */
  --ts-var-button--primary-color: #ffffff;
  --ts-var-button--primary-background: #2770EF;
  --ts-var-button--primary--hover-background: #1D232F;
  --ts-var-button--primary--font-family: var(--ts-var-root-font-family);

  /* Secondary buttons. For example, the Edit and Explore buttons on the Liveboard page*/
  --ts-var-button--secondary-color: #1D232F;
  --ts-var-button--secondary-background: #EAEDF2;
  --ts-var-button--secondary--hover-background: #2359B6;
  --ts-var-button--secondary--font-family: var(--ts-var-root-font-family);

  /* Tertiary buttons. For example, the Undo, Redo buttons on the Search page*/
  --ts-var-button--tertiary-color: #1D232F;
  --ts-var-button--tertiary-background: #FFFFFF;
  --ts-var-button--tertiary--hover-background: #EAEDF2;

  /* Natural Language Search panel*/
  --ts-var-sage-bar-header-background-color: var(--ts-var-root-color);
  --ts-var-source-selector-background-color: initial;
  --ts-var-sage-search-box-font-color: initial;
  --ts-var-sage-search-box-background-color: initial;
  --ts-var-sage-embed-background-color: initial;
  --ts-var-sage-seed-questions-background: initial;
  --ts-var-sage-seed-questions-hover-background: initial;

  /* Chart selection widget on answers and visualization pages*/
  --ts-var-answer-chart-select-background: initial;
  --ts-var-answer-chart-hover-background: initial;

  /* Liveboard */
  --ts-var-liveboard-edit-bar-background: #000000;
  --ts-var-liveboard-cross-filter-layout-background: #eef6fa;

  /* Visualizations and answers */
  /* Title text */
  --ts-var-viz-title-color: #2359B6;
  --ts-var-viz-title-font-family: Roboto,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
  --ts-var-viz-title-text-transform: Capitalize;

  /* Subtitle and description text */
  --ts-var-viz-description-color: #C26232;
  --ts-var-viz-description-font-family: var(--ts-var-root-font-family);
  --ts-var-viz-description-text-transform: Capitalize;

  /* Visualization tile customization on the Liveboard page*/
  --ts-var-viz-border-radius: 15px;
  --ts-var-viz-box-shadow: 1px 2px 5px #888888;
  --ts-var-viz-background: #F2F7FF;
  --ts-var-viz-legend-hover-background: #ABC7F9;

  /* Filter chips on answers and visualization pages */
  --ts-var-chip-border-radius: 25pt;
  --ts-var-chip-title-font-family: var(--ts-var-root-font-family);
  --ts-var-chip-box-shadow: initial;
  --ts-var-chip-background: #B5ECF2;
  --ts-var-chip-color: var(--ts-var-root-color);
  --ts-var-chip--hover-background: #48D1E0;
  --ts-var-chip--hover-color: var(--ts-var-root-color);
  --ts-var-chip--active-background: #369FAA;
  --ts-var-chip--active-color: #ffffff;

  /* Axis titles and labels*/
  --ts-var-axis-title-color: var(--ts-var-root-color);
  --ts-var-axis-title-font-family: var(--ts-var-root-font-family);
  --ts-var-axis-data-label-color: #163772;
  --ts-var-axis-data-label-font-family: var(--ts-var-root-font-family);

  /* Menu components */
  --ts-var-menu-color: var(--ts-var-root-color);
  --ts-var-menu-background: #DEE8FA;
  --ts-var-menu-font-family: var(--ts-var-root-font-family);
  --ts-var-menu-text-transform: capitalize;
  --ts-var-menu--hover-background: #ABC7F9;

  /* Dialogs and modals that prompt users to perform an action or enter information */
  --ts-var-dialog-body-background: var(--ts-var-root-background);
  --ts-var-dialog-body-color: var(--ts-var-root-color);
  --ts-var-dialog-header-background: #CEDCF5;
  --ts-var-dialog-header-color: var(--ts-var-root-color);
  --ts-var-dialog-footer-background: var(--ts-var-root-background);

  /* Segment control */
  --ts-var-segment-control-hover-background: #00FF00;

  /* Modular Homepage (New experience) */
  --ts-var-home-watchlist-selected-text-color: #FF0000;
  --ts-var-home-card-color: var(--ts-var-root-color);
  --ts-var-home-favorite-suggestion-card-text-color: #FF0000;
  --ts-var-home-favorite-suggestion-card-background: #eef6fa;
  --ts-var-home-favorite-suggestion-card-icon-color: #000000;