The ThoughtSpot Embed SDK allows you to embed the ThoughtSpot search experience, liveboards, visualizations or the even full app version. To get started sign up for a free trail and check out the quickstart guides.
Install the Visual Embed SDK from NPM
npm i @thoughtspot/visual-embed-sdk
The SDK is compatible with ThoughtSpot SW version >= 7.1 and ThoughtSpot Cloud.
The SDK is written in TypeScript and is also provided both as ES Module (ESM) and Universal Module Definition (UMD) modules, allowing you to use it in a variety of environments. ` // ESM via NPM import * as TsEmbedSDK from '@thoughtspot/visual-embed-sdk'; // OR import { LiveboardEmbed } from '@thoughtspot/visual-embed-sdk';
// NPM ;
// ES6 from web import { LiveboardEmbed, AuthType, init, } from ''; `
Check out the developer guide for detailed information on how to use the SDK in your projects.