A set of ThoughtSpot visualizations based on Google Analytics data hosted in Snowflake.
Liveboards included
This starter kit uses the Google analytics reporting API v4. Hello Analytics Reporting API V4. To get started, execute the following commands on your local environment.
sudo -s apt-get install python3-venv python3 -m venv analytics-quickstart
source analytics-quickstart/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client pip install --upgrade oauth2client
Python Script to download your Google Analytics data to either your local machine or a staging machine.snowflake_ga.sql
DDL script to create the necessary staging tables and flattening views in your Snowflake data warehouse.Log into your ThoughtSpot instance and create an Embrace connection to each of the five views that have flattened the JSON data into a relational table structure.
Combine all Worksheet TML files into a ZIP file:
Combine all liveboard TML files into a ZIP file:
Import the zipped file for the worksheets and verify that it has all been imported without any errors. Import the zipped for the liveboards and verify that it has all been imported without any errors.