REST API v1 and v2 comparison

REST API v1 and v2 comparison

Both v1 and v2 REST API frameworks allow you to access, retrieve, create, and manage ThoughtSpot objects and resources. REST API V2 is a new framework that expands the core API functionality with additional features and improved user experience.


Developer Playground

Swagger API explorer

The Swagger UI is also accessible via Developer portal

Interactive Playground in the Developer portal

Code sample availability


Authentication methods

Basic authentication

Trusted authentication

Basic authentication

OAuth Bearer token authentication

Trusted authentication

Access control

Requires admin privileges for certain API operations

Requires admin or developer privileges to access the API console

Input and output parameters

Not fully standardized


Resource collections

  • Data
    Data APIs to search data, fetch Liveboard details and export Liveboard

  • admin

  • connection

  • dependency

  • export

  • group

  • logs

  • metadata

  • TML

  • security

  • session

  • user

  • Authentication

  • Users

  • Groups

  • Connection

  • Metadata

  • Data

  • Report

  • Logs

  • Security

  • Admin

  • Custom actions

API services

User APIs

Group APIs

Session APIs

Connection APIs

Metadata APIs

Admin APIs


APIs for dependent objects

Search data API

Liveboard data API

Liveboard export API

Security APIs

Log Streaming Service API

See REST API v1 Reference for a complete list of endpoints.

Session APIs

User APIs

Group APIs

Connection APIs

Metadata APIs

Admin APIs


APIs for dependent objects

Data API

Visualization export API

Custom actions API

Liveboard export API

Security APIs

Log Streaming Service API

See REST API V2 Reference for a complete list of endpoints.

Resource URL

Base URI: https://<your-thoughtspot-hostname>/callosum/v1/

Resource path: tspublic/v1/<resource-group>/<resource>/

Base URI: https://<your-thoughtspot-hostname>/tspublic/rest/v2/

Resource path: <resource-group>/<resource>