Make a REST API Call

Make a REST API Call

To call a REST API, you can send a request to the endpoint URL and pass the parameters of the objects that you want to view or modify.

Liveboard or visualization objects🔗

For a Liveboard, you can append the GUID of your Liveboard as a parameter, as shown in the following example:


To retrieve data from a specific visualization within a Liveboard, append the GUID number of the visualization using the vizid parameter:

Make sure you add brackets around the vizid parameter. The URL encoding for the opening bracket is %5B and the closing bracket is %5D.

Data format of objects🔗

The returned JSON data includes one object for every visualization on the Liveboard. If you make a call to obtain data for a specific visualization on a Liveboard, it will return just one object.

The objects are named according to the corresponding vizid.

The following example shows the JSON object format for the data returned from the ThoughtSpot application:

 "vizId1" : {
         "name": "Viz name",
         "data":[[2-d array of data values], [], [] …..[]],
         "columnNames": [col1, col2, …. ],
         "samplingRatio": n
 "vizId2" : {

Each object contains four components:

  1. An array of column headers. The columnNames array contains a list of all column headers.

  2. An array of data. The data array contains a list of other arrays. Each sub-array represents a new row of data.

  3. Name of the visualization.

  4. A sampling ratio. The sampling ratio tells you the percentage of total data returned. A sampling ratio of 1 indicates that all data in the visualization object was returned in the API call.

The REST API supports filtering data based on the parameters that you pass within the URL. These are called Runtime Filters.


The following example shows a JavaScript function that calls the REST API, gets the results back, and retrieves a single value from the JSON results:

 * Generates headline by making a data API call.
 * @param void
 * @return void
function generateHeadline(filters) {
    var pinboardId = "0aa0839f-5d36-419d-b0db-10102131dc37";
    var vizId = "67db30e8-06b0-4159-a748-680811d77ceb";
    var myURL = "";

    if (filters === void 0) {
        myURL = "" +
                "pinboarddata?id=" + pinboardId + "&" +
                "vizid=%5B" + vizId + "%5D";
    } else {
        var query = getQueryString(filters);
        myURL = "" +
                "pinboarddata?id=" + pinboardId + "&" + +
                "vizid=%5B" + vizId + "%5D&" + query;

    var jsonData = null;
    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", myURL, true);
    xhr.withCredentials = true;
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
        var headline = document.getElementById("embeded-headline");
        if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
            jsonData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
            headline.innerHTML = jsonData[vizId].data[0][0];
        } else {
            headline.innerHTML = "Error in getting data !!!";